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The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

Rene Maier

Rene Maier, Lead Managing Editor

Rene is entering her second year on staff and was given the role of being Managing Editor.  Rene’s favorite style of writing is columns and reviews. Rene is a manager for the varsity wrestling team and also a field commander for the FHC Color Guard. When she isn’t at school or practice, she enjoys sleeping and hanging out with friends. After she graduates she is planning to attend Michigan State, Western Michigan, or the University of Minnesota to study sports management.

  • Favorite thing about on staff: All the people, and the relaxed atmosphere.
  • Favorite type of story: Columns/reviews.
  • Hobbies/interests: Training, cooking, and writing.
  • Favorite book and why: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I love this book because it is written from the perspective of Death and makes you really feel for the characters and Germany during the Holocaust.
  • It’s a Friday night, you will probably find Rene: Working or hanging out with friends.
All content by Rene Maier
Two In Blue Preview Q&A

Two In Blue Preview Q&A

Rene Maier, Lead Managing Editor May 10, 2017

Film: Two In Blue Producer: Jace Thornton 1. What theme would you consider your film? "The theme of our film is a comedy." 2. Can you give a brief overview of the plot of your film? "Two...

Prom Assembly 2017

Prom Assembly 2017

Rene Maier, Lead Managing Editor May 8, 2017

Teaching because they want to

Teaching because they want to

Rene Maier, Lead Managing Editor April 20, 2017

We are in school for twelve years, and maybe even more because of preschool and daycare, if you count that. As you get further and further into your education, you see more teachers throughout the day...

The colors of my life

The colors of my life

Rene Maier, Lead Managing Editor April 13, 2017

Sometimes my life is gray When the sun doesn't shine and the rain falls And sometimes it's blue, And everything feels as if it's going in slow motion Although there are days that are blue...

Everything changes senior year, don't count down to the end

Everything changes senior year, don’t count down to the end

Rene Maier, Lead Managing Editor March 23, 2017

I knew that things were going to change, that's what everyone tells you is going to happen during senior year. I went into this year with open arms, and I am really glad I did because my life has changed...

Amanda Riffe takes on the role of Ronnette- Musical Q&A

Amanda Riffe takes on the role of Ronnette- Musical Q&A

Rene Maier, Lead Managing Editor March 6, 2017

Amanda Riffe Role: Ronnette What are you most excited about? "I am most excited for everyone to meet the characters and dive into the world of Skid Row. We have been preparing and exploring our...

Dr. Suess is a simple reminder of my childhood

Dr. Suess is a simple reminder of my childhood

Rene Maier, Lead Managing Editor February 23, 2017

I remember the nights when I was younger and I begged my mom to read me just one more Dr. Seuss book, even though we had already read three. It was mostly because I was a trouble-child that didn't want...

How the social butterfly choked

How the social butterfly choked

Rene Maier, Lead Managing Editor February 17, 2017

How am I so social outside of the classroom but when I have to discuss in class, I choke? I can talk to almost anyone, and I have even been known to talk over people in class. So how come when we have...

FHC basketball teams host Gold Games to raise awareness for Pediatric Cancer

FHC basketball teams host Gold Games to raise awareness for Pediatric Cancer

Rene Maier, Lead Managing Editor February 2, 2017

"Raising money isn't our primary goal," junior Emma Yoder said. "We are trying to raise awareness for Pediatric Cancer and raising money is only a part of that because we can give back to The Helen DeVos...

Why does treating others the way you want to be treated have to be so hard?

Why does treating others the way you want to be treated have to be so hard?

Rene Maier, Lead Managing Editor January 26, 2017

We live in a society where people are unable to voice their opinions and problems without being judged or discriminated against. Yes, your views on what you think is right should be your individual views,...

The Village Pub offers friendly service and a warm atmosphere

The Village Pub offers friendly service and a warm atmosphere

Rene Maier, Managing Editor January 13, 2017

A road trip with five teenage girls entails for a lot of good conversations, jam sessions in the car, and lot of food. When we travel to new places, we are more susceptible to trying new places and new...

20 Things I Learned In 2016

20 Things I Learned In 2016

Rene Maier, Managing Editor January 5, 2017

2016 was quite a year. For some, it was a year of happiness and for others, it was the exact opposite. There were  numerous deaths and the election of a new president, but for all I believe, it was a...

Where to Travel During your Holiday Staycation

Where to Travel During your Holiday Staycation

Rene Maier, Managing Editor December 21, 2016

Road trips are meant to provide a break from reality and allow people to bond with others in a car, rather than sitting in a plane for numerous hours trying not to disrupt those around them. On a road...

A Thank You to My Dad

A Thank You to My Dad

Rene Maier, Managing Editor December 6, 2016

I don’t know where I would be without your hand guiding me in the right direction and pushing me to be my best at everything I attempt to take on. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for teaching me...

An Education and Community We Should be Thankful for

An Education and Community We Should be Thankful for

Rene Maier, Managing Editor November 22, 2016

My family, and many others, have their own traditions for Thanksgiving, but many have the same tradition of stating what you’re thankful for. A lot of the time, you’ll hear the normal “my family”,...

Summer Journeys: Fueling Students' Desires to Travel

Summer Journeys: Fueling Students’ Desires to Travel

Rene Maier, Managing Editor November 19, 2016

Less than three months is all students have away from school to relax and enjoy the warmth. In those three months, there are a multitude of things that you are able to do and accomplish, but as you get...

It's Only 596.8 Miles

It’s Only 596.8 Miles

Rene Maier, Managing Editor November 8, 2016

“I really hope that you get into Minnesota, but at the same time I want you to stay here because I would miss you too much.” Some of the hardest and most heartfelt words that I have heard in a...

It's Only a Broken Balloon String

It’s Only a Broken Balloon String

Rene Maier, Editing Manager November 1, 2016

Remember elementary school when all you had to worry about were math boxes and where you were going to meet your friend from a different class for recess? There was no added stress of a job or sports that...

Headlines That Pop & Get Clicked

Headlines That Pop & Get Clicked

Rene Maier, Managing Editor October 25, 2016

7:15 am. It’s the day of MIPA for all journalism and yearbook students at FHC.  It's a day that we have all been looking forward to, at least to the journalism students, because we finally had the opportunity to...

Tuesday Motivation

Tuesday Motivation

Rene Maier, Managing Editor October 18, 2016

Motivation. Everyone needs motivation going into the eighth week of school, whether you are a senior in high school and the "senioritis" is starting to boil up, or if you’re in sixth grade and the...

Attention Class of 2017: Important Items and Dates

Attention Class of 2017: Important Items and Dates

Rene Maier, Managing Editor October 11, 2016

Senior year is hectic with college applications, sporting events, and all the events planned to make the last year one to remember. While everything can get jumbled in the mess we call senior year, here...

Z's Bar and Grill: Home Cooking in the Heart of the City

Z’s Bar and Grill: Home Cooking in the Heart of the City

Rene Maier, Managing Editor October 4, 2016

Downtown Grand Rapids: such a rising economy with many new large chain restaurants and bigger businesses causing the smaller family owned ones to close. In the midst of all the skyscrapers and museums...

School store gears up for new year with new people

School store gears up for new year with new people

Rene Maier September 27, 2016

Two classes combined into one, and an added amount of personality. Marketing two and Advanced Marketing were joined this year after six of the advanced marketing students decided to take an independent...

To Stay Or To Leave

To Stay Or To Leave

Rene Maier, Managing Editor September 20, 2016

To stay or to leave. I am not in college yet and I know that it’s still so far away, but I have made one of the hardest decisions of my life: applying to out of state colleges. I know that it may...

An open letter to everyone I used to know

An open letter to everyone I used to know

Rene Maier, Managing Editor September 19, 2016

Miscommunication and lack of communication have killed more friendships in the past two years of my life than in any before. I am an honest person, and I like things done the right way and I like when...

Senior Class prepares for its last year

Senior Class prepares for its last year

Rene Maier, Managing Editor September 16, 2016

As the school year is in gear, the student council has been working hard since last school year to come up with ideas on how to make this year better than all of the rest. One of the many people who participate...

The Last First Day

The Last First Day

Rene Maier, Managing Editor September 15, 2016

The first day of senior year, how did that happen? Where did the time go, and what am I supposed to do in 200 and some odd days after I walk across the stage in my green cap and gown and my life here in...

Connect Day: An FHC Tradition

Connect Day: An FHC Tradition

Rene Maier, Public Relations/ Marketing Manager May 31, 2016

Each year, FHC holds the famous Connect Day that allows upperclassmen to lead the incoming freshman around the school. This event has been held for well over ten years and each year, it brings a new excitement...

Holly Ford-- PR of the Board

Holly Ford– PR of the Board

Rene Maier, Staff Writer May 24, 2016

Name: Holly Ford Current Grade: 10th Running For: PR of the Board.   Q: Why are you running for PR of the board? A: I'm running for this because I love being as involved in the Student...

Maddie Paciorek-- Board Secretary

Maddie Paciorek– Board Secretary

Rene Maier, Staff Writer May 24, 2016

Name: Maddie Paciorek Current Grade: 10th What are you running for: Secretary of the board   Q: Why are you running for Secretary of the board? A: I am running for this position because...

Katelyn Johnson-- Senior Class President

Katelyn Johnson– Senior Class President

Rene Maier, Staff Writer May 23, 2016

Name: Katelyn Johnson Current Grade: 11th Running for: Senior Class President   Q: Why are you running for President? A: I am running for president because this year was my first...

Robert Ash: Marching Band Mastermind

Robert Ash: Marching Band Mastermind

Rene Maier, Staff Writer May 12, 2016

In the past few years, the FHC Band program has been under the direction of someone new every season, making the transition from year to year hard for the students. But going into the 2014 season, the...

Blue Dog Tavern

Blue Dog Tavern

Rene Maier, Staff Writer May 4, 2016

If you love good comfort food and a “hole in the wall” type atmosphere, Blue Dog Tavern is the place for you. Located a few minutes outside of downtown Grand Rapids on Stocking Ave on the West Side,...

Cutting Back and Branching Out

Cutting Back and Branching Out

Rene Maier, Staff Writer April 26, 2016

Walking into dance and looking around at how much has changed since I first started, it’s crazy. I have grown up with dance as a huge part of my life and taking a step back and making the decision not...

A Thank You to My Brother

A Thank You to My Brother

Rene Maier, Staff Writer March 23, 2016

First of all, thank you. Thank you for being there for me since we were little; even though we didn’t become inseparable until about last year, I don’t know what I would do without you. You’re...

Randy Kuiper: Bringing the Team Together

Randy Kuiper: Bringing the Team Together

Rene Maier, Staff Writer March 18, 2016

As spring sports tryouts are underway this week, most teams are reconnecting with old teammates, pulling on their old equipment, and talking to their coaches whom they have come to know over the years....

Disrespect Towards Teachers: How Much Should Be Tolerated?

Disrespect Towards Teachers: How Much Should Be Tolerated?

Rene Maier, Staff Writer March 9, 2016

We all know that one person, or group of people, in class that is just downright disrespectful to both the teachers and their fellow classmates. It may be in math when the students won’t stop talking,...

My Need For Change

My Need For Change

Rene Maier, Staff Writer March 2, 2016

Ever since I can remember, I have had a need to try new things, whether it be trying new food or traveling to new places. I love being surprised and not knowing what to expect. I also hate being in the...

Lisa Penninga: Creating a Family

Lisa Penninga: Creating a Family

Rene Maier, Staff Writer February 24, 2016

English teacher Lisa Penninga attended Portage Central High School from her freshman year through her junior year, and then transferred her senior year to Forest Hills Northern. She knew once she graduated...

On The Mat One Last Time

On The Mat One Last Time

Rene Maier, Staff Writer February 18, 2016

I know that I’m not the one who is out there on the mat, fighting to win, fighting to stay off of my back. But, after three months of traveling as a team, watching the boys give it their all, and creating...

Does What I Post On Social Media Define Me?

Rene Maier, Staff Writer February 17, 2016

Does what I post on Social Media define me? It really shouldn’t, but in all honesty, it does. Tremendously. Every day I contemplate whether or not I should post something on one of my many social...

Grand Woods Lounge Review

Grand Woods Lounge Review

Rene Maier, Staff Writer February 10, 2016

My brother coming home from college for the weekend always results in a family outing. Whether that be seeing a movie, doing something in downtown GR, or my family's favorite… finding new places to eat....

What Junior Year Has Taught Me

Rene Maier, Staff Writer February 1, 2016

As the first semester of my junior year comes to an end, I have been looking back at the last couple of months, and it is astonishing to think about how much I have grown. I have become more of myself,...

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