Player Profile: Emma Lohr

Name: Emma Lohr

Grade: 11

Sport: Varsity Volleyball

Fun Facts:

  • She likes to paint 
  • She has a pit-bull named Tonka
  • She cannot do a kart-wheel

What is your pre-game routine? 

“I always listen to music and dance around with my team to get ready before every game.”

Why do you love volleyball?

“I love volleyball because I’ve really had great coaches throughout my life who have pushed me to be the best that I can possibly be.”

What is your favorite part about the Ranger volleyball program? 

My favorite part about the Ranger volleyball program is all the close friends I have made and the team chemistry.” 

When did you start playing volleyball and why? 

I have been playing volleyball for the past six years now, and I started playing because I wanted to try a new sport, and I eventually came to love it.”

What is your favorite quote and why? 

“Push yourself because no one is going to do that for you.” I really like this quote because it just reminds me that if I put in a lot of effort, I’ll get the output I want.”