Should students be able to grade their teachers?

Should students be able to grade their teachers?

For high school students, life revolves around grades. Balancing sports, school, and social events can put grades on the line. When it comes to exam season, students may come begging teachers to round a grade or for an extra credit assignment to boost their grades. Teachers have enormous power over students’ lives.

But why?

Shouldn’t teachers be working alongside students to achieve their goals? 

Not all educators provide the style of learning necessary for certain learners. Some teachers take initiative and desire constructive criticis. They may hand out a survey to review their teaching, but this feedback should be mainstreamed and universal.

Currently, teachers get graded by administration; however, they know when these evaluations are occurring, and these administrators will never be able to see a student’s everyday perspective. 

A substantial portion of students’ academic success depends not only on the quantity of learning, but also on the quality. To administrators, it’s not always explicit which teachers take time to properly display and explain information—to students it’s clear. 

Of course, one concern is students not taking the opportunity to grade teachers seriously; however, this group is slim. When this survey system was performed in other schools, less than half a percent of 199,000 surveys showed students not taking it thoughtfully. There will always be students who don’t value their time in school as much as others; they will always stand out from the rest. But the majority of students care and would cherish an opportunity for their voice to be heard to improve the school they will spend four years at.

Having a passionate and invested educator can completely revolutionize a class. Students in the same grade may sign up for the same class; however, a student’s experience will be altered from the teaching style. An inferior teacher can inspire dread when it’s time for class. 

Making personal connections with teachers is another essential element of school. It can lift the burden when struggling in class and can take away the hesitation of seeking help from instructors. These bonds can also assist students when the time comes for letters of recommendation to colleges. These letters can make or break a college application, and true connections will shine through the words. Without quality teachers, achieving this communication can be impossible.

To become a teacher, a bachelor’s degree and certification are required. Candidates for teaching jobs must also student teach to get on-the-job experience. Although there is a process for hiring the right educator for the job, some qualities just can’t be taught. It is simple to spot a teacher who truly enjoys coming to school each morning. Fundamental character traits like patience, dedication, and kindness are not things that a degree can teach.

Teachers see a student more than their own parents will each day; the job should not be taken lightly. Teachers can mold and transform lives. Administrators want the very best staff they can have, and getting a student’s opinion can be revolutionary. Letting students grade their teachers can give essential information to the teacher and higher-level oversight. If teachers can have so much control over a student, it should be able to go both ways — with mutual respect.