Caroline Logan sets herself apart with an advanced schedule
With the word “ten” literally in the title of the course, one would expect Honors English Ten to be a class full of all tenth graders. Despite this, Freshman Caroline Logan finds herself sitting in Mr. George’s traditionally sophomore English class each day.
One advanced class may seem an impressive feat in and of itself, but Caroline has raised the bar in what a challenging schedule for ninth graders can look like. The average day for Caroline includes, but is not limited to, classes like Honors English Ten, Algebra Two, Social Psychology, Honors Biology, and AP United States History.
In addition to a more rigorous workload, her schedule also has provided Caroline with the opportunity to interact and have classes with the three other grades.
“I like the fact that I get to be with other classes,” Caroline said, “but on the whole, I know more people in the sophomore class than I do the freshman class which [there are] benefits and downsides [to]. It just kind of depends on how you look at it.”
Part of the reason for Caroline’s advanced classes is because of all the moving her family has had to go through. Caroline, who was born in America, has lived in Belgium, Germany, and Texas, just to name a few places. Her international education has gifted her with the opportunity to move ahead in her classes, along with a rich travel background.
“Traveling is so fun,” said Caroline, who comes from an ever-moving military family. “Seeing other cultures and how they act is great; I just love it.”
An additional class Caroline is enrolled in is French Three, a language class typically characterized by the upperclassmen who normally take it. Caroline, however, was very young when she lived in Belgium and described french as “kind of my first language” and stated she learned it along with English.
Multiple languages and impressive travel record aside, Caroline’s past has also shined some light on what she would like to do in the future.
“I feel like I have better ideas about the world because of everywhere I’ve lived,” Caroline said. “For my job, I don’t want to do anything that stays in America. I want to move back overseas. I think it made me become a more culturally aware [person] and it opened me up to [the fact] there’s more than just a tiny world.”
In her exploration of the world and venture into higher-level classes, Caroline has had a partner to accompany her along the way: her twin brother Sam.
“Yeah, I would say we are pretty close,” Caroline said of her brother. “It’s kind of nice having him, especially when we’ve always moved, just to have him there. When we’re in the same classes we can talk about [many things]. We definitely benefit from it.”
But there are also some false things people assume about the two: because they were born at the same time, they are the same in many other aspects as well.
“I do think that a lot of people think we’re super similar and that we have the same personalities,” Caroline said. “But we’re not opposites but we are very different. I feel like that’s the biggest [misconception].”
Just because they’re different people doesn’t mean they aren’t close–Caroline attests their closeness to their twinhood.
“I’m a lot closer to him because we’re twins,” Caroline said. “I feel like because we have so much more to talk about. If he was older and my sister was younger I think I would be closer with her instead.”
Though Caroline is not yet halfway through her first year of high school, she has already dipped her feet into the deep pond of extracurricular activities. Worth mentioning is her position of the freshman student council. Though it isn’t exactly what she anticipated, she is enjoying it nonetheless.
“I kind of was expecting middle school student council,” Caroline said. “I didn’t realize how much work it would be, but I like it.”
She also is involved in the school’s formidable crew team, though she admits to not excelling at it as much as other activities like student council.
“I’m really bad; it’s fun though,” Caroline said. “I like all the people for the most part. I like it; it’s good to exercise.”
Crew may not be Caroline’s strongest suit, but she recognizes the notion of trying new things. In terms of seemingly intimidating new things, like taking advanced classes, Caroline recommends it to anyone willing to give it what they’ve got.
“I think people definitely should [try to take higher-level classes] just as long as you make sure that you’re still close with your grade,” Caroline said. “But it’s fun getting to know more people and being in different grades. People have different dynamics, and it’s interesting to see how different the grades are. It’s kind of nice. It seems like it’s going to be hard, but you deal with it when it comes, and it’s never actually that hard.”

Meredith VanSkiver is a senior entering her final year on staff, which makes her bittersweet but still ready to work. In addition to The Central Trend, she...