Recent nail trends leave me bored and wanting more creativity

More stories from Paulina Diesen
Pictures of popular nail decor ideas.
With COVID-19 forcing everyone to stay inside, people are looking for any way to release the pent-up energy they have.
One of these ways is TikTok, which allows teens all over the world to witness a little bit of what is going on in other states. With peoples’ creative juices flowing, new nail trends have been popping up; as much as I love some of them, I have no idea why some of these trends exist.
One style that has been on my “For You Page” is the cow print nails. These have been popular for quite some time, and I still cannot find any appreciation for them.
I find that the cow print comes off as tacky. The design is extremely straightforward with the nail artist simply having to smear the nail polish in a blob-like shape. The traditional black-and-white cow print has been pushed aside for a more modern take with tans, pinks, blues, and any other color you can imagine as a replacement. Though these color schemes are cute; I still find the trend a fad I hope to see go.
I’ve also noticed a take on the color-blocking trend that was popular when I was younger. However, instead of painting a whole nail one color, you paint a different pattern on each finger.
I find this trend appreciated by certain color choices and designs only. I usually love the designs created by nail artists I’ve seen on Tiktok, Pinterest, and Instagram. Many of the nail designs are intricate and require a lot of talent in order to look right. I have a large appreciation for those who are able to complete this look, and I would definitely wear this look myself.
Another nail look that has been everywhere consists of different colored polishes swiped all over a neutral background. The idea is very simple and elegant, but it doesn’t require many details or much talent. This look sits in the middle ground for me as I can appreciate the simplicity of it, but I like to add some type of detail to my nails.
Despite this, I would certainly wear these if I needed nails that would not bring much attention to them or clash with an outfit I might wear.
The final trend I’ve noticed is another simple look but with a few added details. This look is also made of different colored polish strokes on a neutral base; different sized dots, stripes, and other patterns are added on top to make them look a little less neutral. This creates a simple yet stylish detail that goes with almost anything all while giving attention to your nails.
With trends constantly changing, I find some that plague my feed to be hit or miss. Many of the designs are ones that I would wear, although some leave me wanting more or confused as to why the trend is so popular. Throughout all this, I am looking forward to seeing what new nail trends will show up over the next year.

Paulina Diesen is a sophomore entering her first year as a writer for The Central Trend. She loves writing and is excited to have her work published....