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  • November 2312/20: Winter Break
The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

All content by Drivers Testing Services of Michigan, Inc.
Jungle Survival Driver's Training, a popular education among future driver's, encourages that students know and are prepared for just how cutthroat the busy roads are. Their motto, "It's a jungle out there," expresses this ideal perfectly.

[Photo] Driver’s training courses in the Forest Hills community help to ensure that future drivers adopt safe, smart road skills

Kathryn Campbell, Staff Writer February 21, 2024

Jungle Survival Driver's Training, a popular education among future driver's, encourages that students know and are prepared for just how cutthroat the busy roads are. Their motto, "It's a jungle out there,"...

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