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The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

I am in dire need of the perfect outfit for a summer country concert

a collage of simple country concert outfit pieces

I’ve made it a goal of mine to attend one concert every summer. For the past two summers, my friend and I traveled to Detroit to see 5 Seconds of Summer. Given we had never actually listened to this band, nor did we actually know anything about who they were, we were looking to cross this off our summer bucket list along with an excuse to wear a fun outfit. 

Now, though it would be memorable to attend this concert for a third time, this summer is full of country concerts as I will be seeing my favorite artist, Zach Bryan, in June, and am in search of the perfect outfit where most of my inspiration has come from Tik Tok and Pinterest. 

I am so set on the idea of wearing a gold cowboy boot necklace perfectly stacked with a simple, dainty gold chain paired with matching earrings.

When it comes to an outfit itself, I cannot decide which way to go. Based on almost every TikTok I’ve seen of girls going to Bryan’s concert, a white sundress paired with cowboy boots is a staple outfit among most attendees. Though this is a simple and cute pairing that you really cannot go wrong with, it is quite basic. I will say that it would be ideal when thinking about comfort as it is all one piece rather than two, and you would not have to worry about adjusting your top or bottoms. Still, since a white sundress is so basic, it will be something I set aside as a last resort, as I personally would lean more towards a denim skirt and fun top of some sort. 

As I mentioned, the common shoe to wear to a Zach Bryan concert, or any other country concert, is a pair of simple cowboy boots. Though I do find excitement in the idea of wearing boots, this is the thing I’ve been in the most debate over. When I first found out I was going to this concert, my initial thought was that I could wear cowboy boots. But, after further consideration, I am not sure I would last the entire night walking and standing in them. Although they fit the country cowboy aesthetic of this outfit, I’m not sure that the uncomfortable stiffness will be worth it, and I will probably just end up in a pair of brown or white platform Converse, as they are generally more comfortable and easier to be in all night. 

When it comes to accessorizing, this is the one thing that I am sure of. For starters, I will not be wearing a hat of any sort. Though I did consider it because I think that hats can be cute with these types of outfits, I am not sure that I will want something on my head all night long. As for jewelry, I am so set on the idea of wearing a gold cowboy boot necklace perfectly stacked with a simple, dainty gold chain paired with matching earrings. Since I do have four places for earrings in my ears, I will probably throw in a little dangly cowboy hat or horseshoe just to go along with the country theme. 

Finding an outfit is one of the sole reasons I continue to go to concerts. Though what you may wear will definitely depend on the type of artist you are going to see, getting to get dressed up in a fun look as well as getting to see your favorite artist perform is something that will always be on the top of my summer bucket list.

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About the Contributor
Luccini Rodriguez
Luccini Rodriguez, Staff Writer
Luccini is a junior entering her first year writing for The Central Trend. She has enjoyed writing from a young age and finds comfort in turning her thoughts into stories. When she is not writing, you will find her on the volleyball court. She has been playing for six years and is a part of the varsity volleyball team here at FHC. Aside from writing and playing volleyball, she enjoys watching the sunset, traveling and seeing new things, and spending time with friends. Luccini is thrilled to be a part of writing for The Central Trend this year. Favorite season: 100% fall Favorite music artist: Zach Bryan Dream vacation: Hawaii and Santorini, Greece Lucky number: 3

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