Every Thanksgiving, my family tradition is to sit around the table and say three things we’re thankful for. I never have any idea how to narrow down everything and everyone I love and appreciate to just three things. That’s why I love our annual Countless Thanks.
To Mr. George (JG), for coming to FHC
To be honest, I was a little worried at the beginning of this year. While I knew of you, I didn’t know who you were. Now I realize that as much as I miss your dad, I’m so grateful to have you as one of my teachers. Your classes are the parts of my day that I look forward to most. I’m always laughing when I’m around you, and you’ve made me enjoy English much more than I already did. Your classes have been things that got me through the long school days, and I can’t explain how grateful I am for that. Thank you for all of the “how are you” and for making your class such a comforting place for anyone and everyone. You are such an incredible addition to FHC.
To other Mr. George (KG), for always caring
Thank you for encouraging my love for writing and for always being there for me. When I saw you at football games and Hope, you talked to me and asked me how I was doing. Even though you’re not my teacher anymore, I know you still care about me and your other former students. I’m so incredibly thankful for you. I’m so glad I could have you as my teacher, even if it was only for a year. Thank you for always making your classroom feel like home, and thank you for always caring about how I’m doing even though I don’t see you anymore.
To the TCT staff, for being everything to me
Rowan, thank you for introducing me to the guitar and inspiring me to become a better writer. Because of how incredible all of your stories are, I keep pushing myself because I want my writing to somehow be even somewhat like yours. Ella, I’m so glad we have AP World together because, before this year, we didn’t talk very often. I’m so incredibly grateful that I got to know you because you are genuinely one of the sweetest people I know. Please go read the paragraph I wrote about you. Alex, thank you for introducing me to photography and for coming to all of the soccer and football games. Photography has become one of my favorite things to do, and I don’t think I would have ever tried it without you. Don’t forget to read your paragraph. Evelyn, since I started TCT last year, I immediately looked up to you. I don’t think you know that. I have always strived to write like you do, and I’ve always thought you were the most incredible person to be around. I’m so glad I have another year with you. Addie (Adelaide), even though you stole my name, it has been so great spending the past few years knowing you. You’re such a fun person to know, and I’m excited to spend the next year writing with you. Micah, ever since the first day of school our freshman year, we’ve been friends. And that’s all thanks to TCT. If you hadn’t walked into Room 139 and sad down next to me and Kathryn, I don’t know if I ever would’ve been as close to you as I am now. And I’m so thankful for that. Go read your paragraph! Kathryn, I’m so glad that I sat next to you in Room 139. It was just you, me, and Micah as the three freshmen, and I honestly couldn’t imagine it any other way. I’m so glad I got to know you, and I hope you continue writing the rest of high school. Maylee, you have always been the sweetest and most genuine person in TCT, and I love being around you. You never fail to make me smile or laugh, and I’m so thankful for that. Ellerie, because you are friends with my sister, I already knew you before, as did almost any of the other people on staff. Since I’ve known you, even though I was just your friend’s little sister, you’ve been so sweet to me (and every other person you have ever been around). I can’t even begin to explain how thankful I am for that. Elle, you’ve always been such a joy to be around. I always look forward to seeing you in class, and I always look forward to reading your incredible stories. Thank you for always being such a fun person to be around. WFP/New TCT staff, It’s been so wonderful watching every single one of you become better writers each day. You’re all so fun to be around, and I’m always laughing when I’m around you guys, and I’m so thankful for that.
The Vandries, for being like a second family
I’m so lucky to have you all as a second family. Brian, thank you for always making me laugh. Whenever I’m around you, you’re always making me laugh, and I’m so thankful for that. Thank you for all of the hugs and for just going with the flow when I randomly showed up at your house. Kara, thank you for being a second mom. Thank you for being okay with me coming over almost whenever, and thank you for treating me like family. Thank you for that Christmas lights thing you took me on, and thank you for even letting me be in the family photo (minus Eli). Nate, thank you for just accepting the fact that I’m always at your house, and thank you for always pulling the golf cart back in when Brynn and I don’t want to! Thank you for (sort of) letting Brynn and I bother you. Eli, once again, thanks for being okay with me always being around, and thanks for letting us push you off of the boat last summer (even though you pulled me in with you). I really do love being around you when you’re home. Also, thanks for letting me play your guitar. Brynn, I couldn’t just write you a few sentences. I had to write you a whole paragraph.
Brynn, for always being you
The past two years have been the most incredible years of my life. You are one of the people that I count on most, and I can’t thank you enough for that. I know that I can tell you anything or complain to you about anything, and you’ll always listen. You’ve been there for me when nobody else was, and I’m so lucky to get to know you. You being you is all that I need you to be. You always make me laugh, and I appreciate that more than anything. I can’t even begin to describe how much I love being around you and your family. Thank you for always making me feel welcome and for always being there for me.
My family, for literally everything
Dad, thank you for always being okay with me for talking to you when I can’t fall asleep. Thank you for always listening to me and for telling me stories from when you were a kid. I can’t thank you enough. Mom, thank you for letting me give you a daily recap when I come home, even when you’re already in bed. I love talking to you about our days, and you give the best hugs. Ellie, I miss you so unbelievably much. I’m so glad you’re having a better year this year, but I still miss you more than anything. No matter how often we argue, I still love going on all of our adventures together. I miss those. Megan, no matter how much you boss me around, I still love being around you. I love seeing you in the hallways, and I love randomly coming into your classes. I’m glad we’ve gotten closer in the past few years.
Abby, for coming into my life
I’m really glad I know you. Thank you for always letting me text you about every little thing I think about and for always responding no matter what I say. Thank you for coming back, and thank you for being my friend. I love being around you, and I love our late-night target runs. I know I can tell you anything, and I appreciate that. I always love crying from laughing so hard with you (even if it’s in the middle of class). Thank you for being such an incredible person to be friends with and for always being honest. Thank you for texting me for literal hours and for being one of the meanest but nicest people I know. Thank you for everything these past two years.
Alex, for everything the past few years
I’ve known you for a few years now, and I’m so glad that I do. Thank you for introducing me to photography and theater. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without those things. I’ve had so much fun this year going to every football and soccer game that we’re able to go to together, and I can’t wait for the next few. I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do next year in TCT without you. I don’t know what I’m going to do without you in general. Thank you for always bringing me on all of your adventures and for always brightening up my day. When I’m with you, I’m always laughing, and it’s just so fun to be around you. I honestly don’t think I can thank you enough. Thank you for letting me borrow your clothes occasionally, and thank you for always listening. Thank you for everything.
Micah, for being excited when you see me
Sometimes, I need someone to hug me when I see them, and I know you always will. I appreciate you more than you know, and sometimes I don’t even realize that. Thank you for that one project we did last year in English, and thank you for making me laugh no matter how I’m feeling. Thank you for sticking with me through everything, for always listening to my problems, and for giving me advice. I’m so excited for the next few years of TCT and theater. Thank you for everything, Micah.
My friends at church (but outside of it, too) for being there for me
Brynn, once again, thank you for being such an incredible best friend. Thank you for being my first friend at our scary new church, and thank you for sticking with me through it all. Lucas, over the past year, you’ve become one of my best friends and one of my favorite people to be around. I know I can tell you anything, and you’ll listen every single time. You’ve changed my life this past year, and I can’t imagine not knowing you. Thank you for everything. We still need a new handshake. Anni, you are one of the nicest people I have ever been around. I wish I saw you more often, and I miss you more than anything. Your smile is my favorite thing that has honestly ever existed, and you always bring out my smile, too. Thank you for hugging me the second you see me because sometimes I need it. I hope high school is treating you well so far. Ava, thank you for coming on the trip to New Mexico. I don’t know if I had ever talked to you before that, and I regret not knowing you earlier. I’ve known you for only five months, but it feels like I’ve known you for an entire lifetime. I’m going to miss you when you go to college. Thank you for being another big sister to me. Make sure you tell Sheryl I love her! Sophie, I miss you, and I wish I saw you more. You have been the sweetest person to me, and I know you’ll hug me whenever. I hope you’re doing okay. I miss you and love you. Wyatt, thank you for that one night of the retreat when we couldn’t stop laughing, even if it was just because I was dumb when playing Block Blast. You’ve become one of my favorite people to be around and talk to, and I appreciate you more than you know. Thank you for always laughing with me and for all the high-fives.
Ella P, you deserve an entire paragraph.
You are such an incredible person, and I hope that you always remember that. I’m so glad that we became closer this year because I couldn’t imagine the school day without you. You are one of the funniest, nicest, most interesting people I know. Remember, I’m always there for you, no matter what. I can’t even describe how much you have started to mean to me this year. Thank you for always looking out for me and for being so excited every time you see me. You brighten up my day every time I see you, and I’m so thankful for that. Also, you are such an incredible writer, and I love reading all of your stories, whether they’re on the back end or actually on the site. Your columns encourage me to become a better writer and also encourage me to think, and I appreciate that more than you know. Thank you, Ella P.
Aiden, for honestly a lot!!
So I was actually fully planning on just putting you in the “To everyone else” category. As I was writing your few sentences, I started to realize that I had too much to thank you for and to talk about, and I just kept adding more and more to it. Thank you for always saying hi to me in the hallway. Thank you for listening to me talk for hours, even if you don’t really want to, and thank you for trying to give advice, even if it’s sometimes awful. Thanks for letting me annoy you about your acting debut. I sincerely hope you continue theater next year even though Jake and the rest of the seniors are leaving. I think you’re an incredible actor and person, and I’m looking forward to doing the musical with you. Thank you for both the hours-long text conversations (which we need to do more often) and also for taking hours to respond. Thank you for the not-so-occasional dry texts, for leaving me on read (rude), and thank you for still forgiving me for spamming you, even if it was during class. As awful as band was, I’m so grateful that we both took it (and got out) and became friends. I miss our daily high-fives, and I’m thankful for the high-fives every time I see you. I miss seeing you every day. Thank you for the sarcasm and the jokes, and thank you for ‘giving up social media with me’ (I still don’t think I believe you). Thank you for noticing my love for exclamation marks and for starting to use them more along with me. Thank you for being so passionate about Lord of the Rings because, no matter how often I make fun of you for it, other than your awful jokes, it’s honestly one of my favorite things about you. I miss talking to you, and I hope we start talking more. Lastly, thank you for being such a good friend for the past few years. I needed it. (As you can see, I had way too much to write to put you with everyone else). Thank you, Aiden.
To everyone else: I love every single one of you
Ben, I’m glad we became friends in eighth grade. I don’t talk to you as often anymore, but I still appreciate you more than you know. I’m really glad we have English together because I love seeing you every day. Thank you for always making me laugh. Thank you for sticking with me through everything. I’m so grateful for that. Annaliese and Cam, thank you for all of the adventures after the football games. Those are the highlights of my week. Andrew, thank you for letting me watch you play Block Blast during transcendentalism. Yahvi, thank you for doing stage crew. I’m so glad you’re in my English class because I love talking to you. I’ll miss you next semester. Thank you for being such a fun person to be around and to talk to. Aubrey, I’m so glad you did theater last year and TCT this year. I love talking to you about everything, and I genuinely think you’re one of the funniest people I know. I’m so glad you did crew again this year because it’s always one of my favorite parts of the school year. I missed talking to you. Thank you for complaining to me and for letting me complain to you. Henry, thank you for sitting with me during the rehearsals and for playing Block Blast with me. Thank you for getting yelled at by Alex with me because we were too busy laughing and talking to pay attention at the meetings. Thank you for all of the high-fives and the quick conversations in the hallways and the parking lot. I’m thankful for the inside jokes, more than you know, and I am going to miss you next year. Thank you for always making me laugh and for being so fun to be around and to talk to. Keegan, thank you for the play this year and for the inside jokes. It was so fun getting to know you and talking to you, and I’m looking forward to the musical so much. Jake, once again, thank you for the inside joke during the play. You’re one of the funniest people I know, and I’m glad I got to know you more this year. Toby, thank you for always saying hi to me during the play. You’re so much fun to talk to and to be around. I’m glad we have one more musical together. Alex Fletcher, thank you for being one of the nicest people on earth. You’re such an incredible person, and I appreciate you getting so excited every time you see me because sometimes I really need it.
Katty, I honestly don’t think I’ve thanked you enough. Thank you for being okay with me joining your Homecoming group and for making sure I was included in every group photo and at dinner. I can’t explain how much I appreciate you for that. Thank you. Cora, I’m really glad you joined TCT. I can’t imagine it without you anymore. Thank you for being okay with me joining your Homecoming group as well and also for complaining to me. I appreciated that more than anything. Brooke, I’m really glad you’re in Honors 10, TCT, and Spanish with you. You’re one of my new favorite people to talk to, and I love spending half of my day with you. Thank you for talking to me about TCT in English and for always talking to me in Spanish. Thank you for studying (and not studying) Spanish with me. I couldn’t imagine anybody else that I’d rather spend half of my day with. Alexis, I’m really glad we had AP World and TCT together. I don’t think I would’ve become friends with you without it, and I’m very grateful for that. Nate, thank you for being so entertaining during TCT. You’re honestly one of the funniest people I know, and you’re also an incredible writer. I really hope you continue writing for at least the rest of high school. Sophia, thank you for always making me laugh in fifth hour and for being so brutally honest. It can be hard to be honest all the time, and I admire that it seems so easy for you to be honest. Sydney, thank you for being one of the most entertaining people to talk to when I’m bored. You’re honestly such a fun person to talk to, and I know if I ever want to hear a story, I can ask you for one. Kylin, I’m so glad we grew up together, and I’m so glad we’re friends again. Thank you for joining TCT because I have so much fun talking to you during class, and I missed that more than you know.
Instead of being able to narrow it down to just three things, I was able to narrow it down to about 50 people. I just need to thank one more thing.
The Countless Thanks, for making me realize how many people I have in my life
Sometimes, I think I only have, like, four friends. The Countless Thanks makes me realize that I have more than 50 people in my life that I love and appreciate. Each and every single person I mentioned has impacted my life in a way that not all of them realize, and I didn’t even realize until I wrote it down. I hope that if they read this, they realize how truly amazing they all are and how important they are to me.