The theater department is highlighting the fact that we are all Rangers

We are all Rangers.

The FHC student body, a notably supportive community, is united through the successes of their peers. As we have seen, the FHC football team is progressing through the playoffs — an exciting endeavor. As the premiere of the fall play, “Noises Off,” is drawing nearer, the cast and crew are encouraging students to support both activities.

“We’ve been trying very hard in the past few years to have camaraderie highlighting the fact that we are all Rangers no matter where our interests, skills, and talents lie,” theater director Robbin DeMeester said. “We still are all doing it for the same greater good of the school, and that’s why I decided that if we could work the show around something this big, it was a no-brainer that we would want to support each other.”

FHC has emphasized the concept of supporting their peers, and DeMeester agrees that the “greater good” is in the end, supporting everyone in the community.

“There are so many kids who have so many talents here, and we need to figure out a way so we can support each other the best we can – metaphorically, physically, or however,” DeMeester said.

Football head coach Tim Rogers is grateful for the shift in the schedule as well.

“It’s humbling that the theater department has made a shift in their schedule for the football game,” Rogers said. “Over the past few months, I have seen the football team sing the fight song after games with the band; I have seen the football players attend Bandtasia, now this. It is yet another example of school spirit and unity.”

Not only are the cast and crew supportive of their fellow Rangers, but they are prepared to put on a phenomenal show – even though it takes a bit more mental dedication to follow.

“[The play within a play] is supposed to be a hot mess,” DeMeester said. “People have to think; you’re looking at a character and they’re playing an actor who’s playing a part in the play within a play.”

Seemingly too convoluted and confusing to follow, DeMeester has ensured that the audience will follow the production. By typing up a small “scene synopsis” for every act, the brief overview should help viewers key into what’s happening on stage. It is highly encouraged to look over this synopsis before every act to prevent any unnecessary confusion.

Given the level of skill required to bring such a complicated storyline to life, the actors involved have had to put in endless amounts of work to make this show a possibility. According to DeMeester, everyone has stepped up to the plate.

“We went out on a limb to even think high schoolers could even do this show,” DeMeester said. “It’s one of the hardest shows to do — even for adults and seasoned actors. They have had to work twice as hard compared to any other show.”

Student director senior Kaley Kaminski can also see the dedication that the cast and crew have for this show.

“There has been such a large amount of work that has gone into this production,” Kaley said. “I think the show definitely displays the dedication and commitment that the cast and crew have put into this.”

With the amount of effort being put into the show, both DeMeester and Kaley hope to see a crowd at the show. DeMeester especially emphasized the importance of seeing students in their element – especially after putting countless hours of work into it.

“I think that’s what the greater good is all about — going and watching your peers in their element, doing what they do best and enjoying it, even though you might not understand everything about it,” DeMeester said. “Just sitting back and enjoying a night where someone else is doing the work, and you just get to bask in the glory.”