Linnea Eastburg has learned lifelong skills from her cross country family

For senior Linnea Eastburg, playing sports has never been about focusing on herself. When it comes to the cross country and track and field team, it is her teammates who are most important to her, for Linnea thrives off of the support and encouragement from her teammates on the cross country team.

“I want everyone to be happy, both the group and the team,” Linnea said. “I try to encourage everyone.”

As the youngest of five children, Linnea uses her positive attitude to her advantage. Because she is the last Eastburg in her family to run for FHC, she is able to look back at the success of her siblings and try to accomplish just as much or even more than they did. All competitiveness aside, she takes great pride in her siblings’ accomplishments and has learned a lot from them.

Other than her siblings, a major motivational factor for Linnea is knowing that this is her last season. Finally, it is her time to be the best, her time to run the fastest, her time to shine.

“I often get into [my siblingsa��] shadows,” Linnea said, “but pushing through and becoming my own person has taught me to step out of my comfort zone.”

By seeing his focus and drive, Linnea’s brother, Nils, has set a great example for her.

“My brother Nils is the cross country and track coach and is a huge role model in my life,” Linnea said. “He has always encouraged me to be the best that I can. Through the pain and suffering that we go through in our workouts, we have [gotten] so much closer.”

Additionally, Linnea’s friends have also been her biggest supporters through her high school journey. Having her friends pushing her to be her best is what fuels Linnea and makes her stand-out, natural-born leader.

“My close friend Louise has supported me through track and cross country,” Linnea said. “Through whatever I do, I feel like I have support from my friends.”

As a personal goal, she always sets the bar high and achieves what she sets her mind to. Although she is undecided where the future may take her or even what college she will attend this fall, Linnea knows she will surely apply the skills she has learned from cross country and other teams to her future endeavors.

“I don’t know exactly what I want to do in the future, but [I] definitely [want to do] some leadership job,” Linnea said. “I think I would really like [that].”

As her last season of track quickly approaches, Linnea reflects on her gratefulness towards the great community of girls she has been a part of that has encouraged and guided her to be the leader she is today.

“Finishing the race is one of the coolest moments,” Linnea said. “Every girl just comes up and hugs you, and we are all dripping sweat but love each other so much. We are just dying and all feel the same pain.”