Logan Vredenburg – Senior Class President

Name: Logan Vredenburg
Current Grade: 11th grade
Running for: Class President
Q: What impact would you like to have on FHC?
A: I would like to have a positive impact on FHC that shows how our class can work together to be successful and have fun in competing with other classes. I want our class to have a strong feeling of camaraderie and family in the younger students.
Q: What separates you from other candidates?
A: I am comfortable with communicating with all of the current juniors, and have strong friendships and relationships with almost everyone in our class. I have the most student leader experience out of all of the presidential candidates. I am also committed to helping students petition for or against things or ideas they think the school should not be using or doing. These things, and more are what separates me from the other presidential candidates.
Q: Other than running for office, what else are you involved in at FHC?
A: Outside of student council, I will have been in the marching band for 4 years, participated in swimming/diving and crew (rowing) for 3 years, and I will have been a Project Charlie Central Woodlands speaker for 3 years.
Q: If elected, what would you like to change the most at FHC?
A: If I could, I would like to change the attitudes of our classes here in FHC. We have grown up in an environment where competition thrives. Athletes try to edge past their competitors, musicians compete for different chairs, and many students have friendships dissolve as they get closer and closer to the position of valedictorian. Although this competition brings out the physically and mentally strongest of our class, it also divides us and serves to prevent students from teaming up and helping each other become their best selves. I would like to try to reduce the academic and athletic stress on the student body so that students have more time outside of school to mature into young adults with the companionship of their friends.
Q: What other things are you involved in at FHC?
A: Although I stopped going due to conflicting schedules, I really enjoyed being a member of the school’s Environmental Club. I also will have played in the state Solo and Ensemble 3 times.
Q:What motivated you to run for presidency?
A: I was motivated to run because of my belief that I am the best candidate because of my selflessness in giving up my time for others so that our class will be able to be a model for the future classes to follow, and that I can help my peers succeed in changing our world to be in the future we want to live in.
Q: What is the most valuable characteristic within yourself that will help you run?
A: My most valuable characteristic that will help me run is my selflessness and willingness to help others before I help myself.
Q: What teacher has influenced you the most during high school?
A: My most influential teacher has been Mrs. Lipke because she has these weekly motivational videos that go along with her mindset. She has told my class over and over again that “you reap what you sow” and that if you want something out of life, you must be willing to put the work into achieving that specific goal.

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