Where to Start covered up the most important aspect of a song

The cover picture for the album which has Where to Start.
The song “Where to Start” by Bully brings out the animal inside of me because of the punk rock tendencies it withholds.
Listening through my suggested music, “Where to Start” by Bully immediately jumped out to me because of the unusual cover which consists of a hand under running water. It was enough to suck me into listening to their music.
My initial reaction to the song was intense; the bassline consists of what I think is mainly electric bass with a hint of drumming to snazz the song up a little.
“Where to Start” is definitely not the easiest to understand but once I looked up the lyrics, I was able to comprehend the clear meaning of what the lead singer, Alicia Bognanno, was trying to portray.
Sadly, the actual melody overrode the lyrics making the entire song hard to listen to if you were focusing on the lyrics.
I just wish it didn’t cover up the lyrics. Listening to the music itself kept me entertained for the duration of the song.
I do think that there should’ve been more changes added, providing the listeners with a wider variety to make sure that they’ll stay interested the entire time.
Taking a deeper look at the lyrics, it seems like they’re trying to portray true sadness about a significant other or someone important to them leaving their life.
It seems as if the relationship was toxic but the singer still strives for them to be back into their life. “I live for you to tear me apart”. This was one of the main lyrics that led me to believe that the member of the band was longing for the other person to rejoin her life.
One line that seems to repeat itself multiple times is “Say it, say it like you mean it,” as if they want the other person to finally tell them the truth. I can only assume that this means that the significant other was hiding the truth from them.
Perhaps they were making frivolous choices which led them to run back to the person that Alicia was trying to get over.
“Suffer in desire when I see you, turn me back into a child”. Within this one lyric you can tell how distraught she was seeing the other person.
This led me to come to the conclusion that they long for their younger years where they didn’t need to worry about others crushing them and all the horrendous things that follow a heartbreak.
If the lyrics were clearer throughout the entire song, I genuinely believe that the song would be more popular. Unfortunately, they ended up covering up the lyrics with the loud music.
I really did enjoy hearing the instrumental portions. I just wish that the singers were clearer, allowing the audience to listen to the real message the band was trying to give.
Heartbreak songs are always moving, giving us a look into the artists’ personal lives, but the choices for “Where to Start” didn’t please me. I don’t think that I’ll be listening to this band again any time soon.
The lyrics are inspiring, but the fact that it’s covered up by what’s meant to be the background music was not their smartest decision. I hope that they decide to change their ways for the next album that drops.

Jadelin Hinkel is a senior entering her second, and sadly, her final year on staff. She is looking forward to captivating people with her photography skills...