Lava La Rue’s newest EP is a metamorphosis of sonic sounds

Lava La Rue's EP cover for Butter-Fly.


Lava La Rue’s EP cover for Butter-Fly.

Just as the trees begin to culminate their collections of lime leaves and the newborn flowers scribble pastel patches onto Earth’s verdures, fresh and fitting harmonies have found new light in this flourishing season. 

Despite its initial release in February, I have found that the British hip-hop artist, Lava La rue’s, newest EP, Butter-Fly, to be the sublime soundtrack to spring. With a sort of subliminal tinged essence, this EP flows with mellow punches encapsulating the nature of new love.  

The forefront of the EP begins with the song titled “Magpie,” otherwise known as my favorite song of the whole thing. Starting at 00:01, a psychedelic rhythm begins, immediately setting the tone for the song. The somewhat alternative and ethereal nature of the song provides context for the name, additionally relating to the fresh scene of spring I feel from the EP as a whole. Aside from the concept of love that is prominent through the EP, this specific song indicates the long history of systematic issues London has faced. The music video paints a clear image of the sole message in regards to all aspects intended and is a strategic placement in terms of the art created. “Magpie,” I feel,  is the epitome of the miniature album and is a unique and fulfilling melody even on its own.

Following in second is the song “Angel.” This song is a calico mixture of textures and styles. It elicits a scope of colors that pair with a range of emotion—at least for me, anyway. From the rap to the elongated, graceful vocals backed by guitar and synthesized beats, “Angel” is a versatile song that intrigues me to a great extent. Each track is like vertebrae in this EP and “Angel” is a perfect tie among all. It is a perfect complement to a variety of my playlists and is a lacy depiction of the launch of a new romance. 

Another favorite of mine is the song “G.O.Y.D.,” standing for “girl of your dreams.” Featuring the soft, indie vocals of the artist, Clairo, this song meshes together a pair of beautiful voices with a temperamental essence. This sweet and sour track is an adjunct to the song “B.O.M.D.,” written by Clairo back in 2018.

Kicking off with a rhythm of a harp-like sound emulating the pattern of rain, the lyrics enter with delicate presence. It honestly makes me want to forget my stress and struggles and just lose myself in the soothing sound. But then Miss Lava comes back in with the rap and her soulful speech to perfume the first verse with an element of hard-hitting colloquy. From there, it reverts back to a gentle verse composed of Clairo. Her voice incorporates her own personal style combining seamlessly with Lava La Rue’s, making for yet another multifunctional merging of melodies.

The Butter-Fly EP is a metamorphosis of sonic sounds with the intention of new love being sparked within the lyrics. I adored the movement and play of songs and genres that perfectly relate to that of an evolving butterfly, hence the title. It’s the kind of music that is equally fitting for a drive in the car, a homework session, or a full-blown choreographed dance.

The ingenious artistry and craftsmanship will not go unnoticed and will, in fact, provide me with a substantial amount of inspiration in a number of my endeavors. In fact, I will be tuning into this EP religiously in many aspects of my music listening. Like the beautiful enigma of a butterfly, Lava La Rue’s music is a kaleidoscope of tones and fabrics with deep and utter resonance of fervor and flare.