You aren’t contradicting the title “zero waste” by using single-use plastics


Katharina | @derzerowasteladen on Instagram

Though aesthetically pleasing, jarring is another way to store and preserve homemade goods.

Have you ever heard the term “zero waste” and thought that it means what it implies? If so, then you couldn’t be any farther from the generic definition, but at the same time, you’re correct. 

So, what does being “zero waste” mean? 

In the simplest sense, the definition of “zero waste” is exactly how it sounds: buying or using no materials or products that negatively contribute to the expansive waste issue. The stereotypical “zero waste” lifestyle is a minimal one. It includes a lot of homegrown or locally-sourced fruits and vegetables, canning, reusable glass or metal jars, and a healthy mindset. “Zero waste” activists love a little spice to their aesthetic, so they might add some luscious greenery or vivid-colored flowers to help mask the inherently minimalistic mess.

In short, being “zero waste” means that people do the absolute most they can to not buy unnecessary products in wasteful, single-use containers. They buy everything you utilize in either metal or a reusable plastic container. There isn’t a single-use plastic in sight, nor is there a product that can, in any way, contribute to the stemming issues regarding our deteriorating planet. They’re mindful of the Earth and the diverse ecosystems that are within its atmosphere, and they appreciate the life we were given. Except, what if I said that being “zero waste” is completely subjective? 

There is no right or wrong answer unless you’re calling yourself “zero waste” in full awareness that you aren’t trying your hardest to eliminate waste. It’s about challenging yourself to try products that are better for you, packaged in materials that won’t kill animals and their ecosystems. It’s hard to shatter the protective glass that keeps us in our comfort zones, but if we are not the ones to shatter the glass, the impending environmental disaster will do it for us. 

Once our Earth has changed forever, there is absolutely no going back. Soon enough, there will be no more time to procrastinate with the critical state of our home. As we live our daily lives, the Earth we live on slowly dies, and the wasteful nature of humans is to blame. 

Right now, today, this week, or this month, it is not too late to gather yourself and make a positive impact on the planet.

Some benefits to participating in going “zero waste” are helping to preserve our Earth and saving the diversity in ecosystems that are undeniably crucial to our planet. Just trying to buy your everyday products in reusable plastics will help cut down on the major trash issue, and challenging yourself with this task might limit your exposure to harmful chemicals; “zero waste” tends to be pure and all-natural. 

Right now, today, this week, or this month, it is not too late to gather yourself and make a positive impact on the planet. Do you know where to start? The answer is probably not, but that’s okay. 

One thing we can do until there is an eco-friendly replacement is use up the products we currently have that are not as beneficial to the environment. Be careful, however: companies like to trick consumers into thinking their products are clean. Using all the products you have now, even if they are in a single-use container, ensures that you aren’t being wasteful. Switching to a metal straw and refusing plastic ones is another good start—or visiting a local zero-waste shop to refill your products in a safe and environmentally-friendly way. 

For our Earth’s sake, being whatever “zero waste” means to you is the best way to help save our planet.