It’s not goodbye; it’s see you later
Dear Diya K.,
I am in awe over the fact that we’ve had a friendship for almost a decade now. Although it’s been almost a year since I’ve seen you, I still recall when you first moved here. The first encounter of ours was when we had a sleepover at my house and watched a Katy Perry music video.
It was so amazing because at the time, you were a mere stranger to me, but I knew that it was the beginning of an incredible friendship. Your sister had just completed one year of high school and eventually continued on to college; look where it’s taken her.
It’s been remarkable to see how prosperous her business has become and how successful you have been as a first-year psychology major in Texas. I love when you respond to my stories and vice versa because it lets me know that you still keep up with my life, and I appreciate that.
Even though we don’t live in the same state and see each other as often as we’d like to, I enjoy the little text messages we exchange every now and then. We’re both at different stages of our lives yet have so many fun memories together. From all the spontaneous sleepovers to bike rides and tennis tournaments during the summers, you have always been a constant reminder to live a little.
But, even when I couldn’t be the life of the party, you continued to be that for me. When I came out of surgery, I was never alone. You would play board games with me and listen to me play the piano, but most importantly, help me walk around the house, and for that, I will eternally be grateful.
Even when you were packing up, it still felt like you were gone because I knew that everything was about to change. If everything stayed the same, we would have been inseparable. We could have carpooled to school, had some of the same classes, and maybe even worked together.
But why reminisce on what our lives could’ve been when we can instead focus on what’s ahead of us? It was painful seeing you move, but our friendship is now stronger than ever. Getting to see you once a year only makes it that much more fun to look forward to, and it also gives me the excuse to travel across the country.
No matter where you go, I know that our friendship will never really break because the memories we’ve created always follow me around like a shadow. Whenever I pass by your house, no matter who the inhabitants of your house are, in my head, it will always be your home because of all of the crazy moments we’ve shared together.
Out of all of the memories we’ve created, the one I recollect the most was the time I got slime stuck in your hair. We had just finished making slime and decided to play catch with it until it got stuck in your hair after you had just washed it.
Reflecting on moments such as those make me miss when you used to live here, but whenever you leave, I always remember to tell myself that it’s not goodbye, it’s see you later.

Arpita is a senior entering her third and final year as a staff writer on The Central Trend. She has been a part of the Science Olympiad team since the...
diya Khattoi • Apr 18, 2023 at 6:15 pm
i love youuuu so much❤️❤️❤️❤️