Popping the Forest Hills Bubble isn’t so hard
They say we are sheltered. They say we aren’t exposed to the real world. They say we are blind to the world. They even have a name for it: The Forest Hills Bubble.
However, we can tear down the stereotype by placing more importance on being aware. We can break these borders by educating ourselves of the going-ons of the world. We can pop the bubble by instituting discussions of current events in classrooms.
This “bubble” refers to the idea that we, as FHC students, have been protected our entire lives. Because of our privileged upbringing, we are incapable of empathizing with the conditions of those less fortunate than ourselves.
While this may be true, to some extent, I don’t believe that we are doomed to this label; it is upon us to educate ourselves to as much of the “outside” world as we can. The cure for ignorance is never going to be more ignorance. We can’t turn a blind eye to the current events of the world.
Did you know that two days ago, across the globe, suicide bombers in Kabul, Afghanistan killed seven people at a funeral? Did you know that Cape Town, South Africa is in the severest drought they’ve seen in a century? Did you know that, on the southern border of our very own country, children from Mexico have to cross the border every day to go to school in America?
So many events around the world go unnoticed. So many injustices go uncorrected. So many voices go unheard. Current events should be discussed and debated; they should invoke tears, emotion, and a passion to help.
The only way humanity will improve is if we use the privileges we have been blessed with to better the lives of others. The gift of education has been given to us, and we should utilize it to prepare us for what lies ahead. If the goal of school is to funnel us into adulthood, we should at least be equipped with basic knowledge of the world.
Every so often, open discussions should be held in classrooms; worldwide news should be addressed. Opinions should be voiced, and friendly debate should be encouraged. Not only will this help students open their eyes to what lies beyond, it will spark a flame of curiosity within each of them.
There are hardships everywhere: on every continent, in every country, behind every apartment door. Humans have learned to survive, despite everything they have endured– but it wouldn’t hurt if they were offered a helping hand.
Irene is a senior who loves linguistics, long runs, and laughter. She also enjoys airports, thunderstorms, and long drives to the middle of nowhere.