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The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

Irene Yi

Irene Yi, Staff Writer

Irene is a senior who loves linguistics, long runs, and laughter. She also enjoys airports, thunderstorms, and long drives to the middle of nowhere.

All content by Irene Yi
A picture of Irene Yi, a Forest Hills Central alumna, who once wrote for The Central Trend as well.

[Photo] Alumna Irene Yi has explored her own passions and those of others through linguistics

Avery Jordan, Publicity Managing Editor March 9, 2021

A picture of Irene Yi, a Forest Hills Central alumna, who once wrote for The Central Trend as well.

Humans of FHC: Kam Wilcox

Humans of FHC: Kam Wilcox

Irene Yi, Staff Writer May 14, 2018

"One year, I was at nationals; I believe this was two years ago. I was competing Advanced on the trampoline, so it wasn't even my hardest level, which would be Elite. I was doing a routine with a difficulty...

Jeff Manders Film Festival Q&A

Jeff Manders Film Festival Q&A

Irene Yi, Staff Writer May 7, 2018

1. How is FilmFest structured? "There are fifteen films this year; there are four different theaters. It’s like a regular film festival, where there are multiple films playing at the same time. There...

Forest Hills Robotics Team wins second place in the world

Forest Hills Robotics Team wins second place in the world

Irene Yi, Staff Writer May 7, 2018

Normally, one would hear the phrase “Lights! Camera! Action!” behind the scenes of a movie or show. Two weekends ago, though, the lights, camera, and action were brought to the grand stage of the robotics...

Humans of FHC: Ally Alvarez

Humans of FHC: Ally Alvarez

Irene Yi, Staff Writer April 27, 2018

"I always wanted to get eyelash extensions, but it wasn't until my friend Serena got them that I actually got them too. She got them done by this girl named Megan Hamilton; a lot of people from Forest...

Zesty Gyros brings customers across lands to the Mediterranean

Zesty Gyros brings customers across lands to the Mediterranean

Irene Yi, Staff Writer April 25, 2018

As a child, the most common sickness I fell ill with was not the flu; rather, it was "wanderlust," or the overwhelming desire to travel. My days were constantly plagued with dreams of traveling to...

Andrew Tebeau follows his passions in portrait painting

Andrew Tebeau follows his passions in portrait painting

Irene Yi, Staff Writer April 23, 2018

There are many sides to every tale, and the narrative depends on the storyteller. On occasion, a nifty bard will be able to convey even the most unexpected sides in a powerful way. Just like every...

Let's start banning "bossy"

Let’s start banning “bossy”

Irene Yi, Staff Writer April 18, 2018

What's the worst thing you can call a girl as she's growing up? Bossy. When a girl is plastered with the label "bossy," it's more than a blow to her confidence. It's a blow to her future. If I...

Humans of FHC: Talia Chen

Humans of FHC: Talia Chen

Irene Yi, Staff Writer April 13, 2018

"I started playing piano when I was three. I watched my brother play it, so I wanted to learn it. I started violin when I was seven; I don't remember why I wanted to start playing it, but I did. I picked...

Alex Garland's Annihilation is an impressive movie of biology, secrets, and aliens

Alex Garland’s Annihilation is an impressive movie of biology, secrets, and aliens

Irene Yi, Staff Writer March 28, 2018

As a self-proclaimed nerd, I've seen my fair share of science fiction movies. However, only a select few make a deep, lasting impression on my mind, Annihilation being one of the few. Directed by Alex...

Humans of FHC: Awatef Ayesh

Humans of FHC: Awatef Ayesh

Irene Yi, Staff Writer March 26, 2018

"When I lived in Palestine in fifth, sixth, and seventh grade, there was a lot less violence. It wasn't bad at all. Sometimes, there would be tear gas bombs, but it never got worse than that. The tear...

I'll never recover from my off-brand upbringing

I’ll never recover from my off-brand upbringing

Irene Yi, Staff Writer March 22, 2018

I was raised on knock-off brands, and it was detrimental to my growth. This morning, I cut my finger as I sliced Aldi-bought strawberries. I let out a half-hearted sigh, which matched the plastic knife...

Science of Sports and Games will be a class available to students next year

Science of Sports and Games will be a class available to students next year

Irene Yi, Staff Writer March 16, 2018

Did you know that the dimples on a golf ball help reduce drag, allowing the ball to fly further than one without dimples? Did you know that ice skaters actually glide on a thin layer of water because...

Humans of FHC: Aidan Loughney

Humans of FHC: Aidan Loughney

Irene Yi, Staff Writer March 9, 2018

"A trip I went on with the Boy Scouts is the one to Mackinac Island. We go up as a troop, along with a couple of other troops in West Michigan. We go up together and act as the Honor Guard for Mackinac...

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Whole30 Program: Rad or Fad?

Irene Yi, Staff Writer March 7, 2018

If you know me, you know I have a Cheetos obsession. I will shamelessly buy family-sized bags with the knowledge that I'll be the only person eating them; the entire package would be gone in less than...

Humans have the potential to unite despite differences

Humans have the potential to unite despite differences

Irene Yi, Staff Writer February 28, 2018

In 1954, a group of eleven boys were invited to an Oklahoman camp called Robber's Cave. These boys did not know each other initially, but they bonded through typical camp games during the course of...

Humans of FHC: Chloe Wendlandt

Humans of FHC: Chloe Wendlandt

Irene Yi, Staff Writer February 23, 2018

"Coptic Orthodox Christianity is the oldest and most traditional form of Christianity. Coptic is actually a language; when we do our liturgies, they're in Coptic, Arabic, and English. A lot of our hymns...

De'ja Weekley brings talent and determination into athletics and her future as a Certified Nurse's Assistant

De’ja Weekley brings talent and determination into athletics and her future as a Certified Nurse’s Assistant

Irene Yi, Staff Writer February 16, 2018

Four years may seem like a long time, but for most high schoolers, it flies by in the blink of an eye. Even with the common goal of making the days count and forming lasting friendships, every last...

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Sapporo Noodle Bar cooks up a mean bowl of ramen

Irene Yi, Staff Writer February 14, 2018

Some of my fondest childhood memories include three iconic images: experimentation, Grandma's house, and ramen noodles. My family takes ramen very seriously; it was always a race to see who could whip...

Humans of FHC: Anonymous

Humans of FHC: Anonymous

Irene Yi, Staff Writer February 14, 2018

"The story of how my grandparents met is this: my grandpa liked this girl, and this girl was not my grandma. This girl was actually my grandma's roommate. My grandpa finally got the courage to ask this...

This is the time and place to be politically incorrect

This is the time and place to be politically incorrect

Irene Yi, Staff Writer February 12, 2018

Imagine if, upon growing up, we all received the superpowers we wished for as children. Some of us would have the ability to turn invisible, others would soar in the sky on their morning commute, and...

Aaron Jachim's blog, Peachy Keen Boy, launches to the public

Aaron Jachim’s blog, Peachy Keen Boy, launches to the public

Irene Yi, Staff Wrtier February 2, 2018

We often hear the phrase "unapologetically you," but what does it mean? What does it look like? How does it manifest into actions? With the launch of his blog, Peachy Keen Boy, sophomore Aaron Jachim...

Humans of FHC: Grant Coughlin

Humans of FHC: Grant Coughlin

Irene Yi, Staff Writer January 31, 2018

"I was coming back from my grandma's house. I was probably five or six years old. The week before, we were talking to my parents about getting a dog, and my dad said 'No, end of story.' So we get back...

Evan Nickel is "flippin' sweet" in gymnastics and drumline

Evan Nickel is “flippin’ sweet” in gymnastics and drumline

Irene Yi, Staff Writer January 26, 2018

"Flippina�� sweet!" While this phrase was coined by the timeless movie, Napoleon Dynamite, the words are presently embodied by junior Evan Nickel in all aspects of his life. From tumbling through...

Soulmates of businesses: Common Ground Coffee House and Schnitz's Delicatessen

Soulmates of businesses: Common Ground Coffee House and Schnitz’s Delicatessen

Irene Yi, Staff Writer January 22, 2018

They say that people meet their soulmate at the most unexpected of times. The sun shining on Fulton Street had begun to hide behind some large clouds, and a rippling wind tickled at the exposed brick...

ASL class reaches beyond school walls to the senior citizen community

ASL class reaches beyond school walls to the senior citizen community

Irene Yi, Staff Writer January 19, 2018

Noon on a typical Tuesday usually involves the dim banter of student conversation bouncing from table to table in the lunchroom. On this particular Tuesday, however, students in FHC's American Sign...

The eighth chapter

The eighth chapter

Irene Yi, Staff Writer January 17, 2018

I'm still thinking about what happened that day. There I was, sitting in a hospital bed, listening to Colton profess his undying love for me. Haha, just kidding. It's not that dramatic. It's just that...

Humans of FHC: Ashley Jenkins

Humans of FHC: Ashley Jenkins

Irene Yi, Staff Writer January 13, 2018

"During break, I went up to Glen Arbor and Sleeping Bear. We usually go in the summer, so we were like, "We should go in the winter!a�� I love winter a lot. It's so pretty because there is so much...

Trump's word ban has more dangers than we thought

Trump’s word ban has more dangers than we thought

Irene Yi, Staff Writer January 12, 2018

Christmas has just passed, and most of us still hold hearts of gratitude. Some, however, did not receive the miracle they had hoped for. Take, for example, the members of the Centers for Disease Control...

Horrocks Market is every person's childhood fairytale

Horrocks Market is every person’s childhood fairytale

Irene Yi, Staff Writer December 15, 2017

Imagine walking into a large, colorful grocery store. It's full of sights, smells, and sounds. However, where there is usually a feeling of hustle-and-bustle, one of warmth and calmness is found. The...

The seventh chapter

The seventh chapter

Irene Yi, Staff Writer December 14, 2017

Wren stared at him. He stared back. She stared right back, except harder. Finally, the corners of Colton's eyes crinkled, and the smallest giggle escaped his mouth. Realizing what he had done,...

Wave goodbye to Class Choice and welcome the new face of schedule changes

Wave goodbye to Class Choice and welcome the new face of schedule changes

Irene Yi, Staff Writer December 12, 2017

The new semester looms on the horizon. The halls become filled with a rainstorm of fingertips atop keyboards, each cloud with a new schedule brewing in mind. Every student is poised to leap the moment...

The moments of high school I'll take with me forever

The moments of high school I’ll take with me forever

Irene Yi, Staff Writer December 8, 2017

I start my day thawing my fingertips out in my car. My hands float over the heat vents as I look out into the empty parking lot around me. It's still dark out at 6:34 AM, but the sky glows grey along...

Humans of FHC: Alexis Yang

Humans of FHC: Alexis Yang

Irene Yi, Staff Writer December 6, 2017

"Mrs. Richardson bought the stock supply of fruit flies. Each one had a different mutation, and we had to look at all the different variations under the microscope. Then, we chose which mutation we wanted...

The Junior Economics Club provides students with rare opportunities in business

The Junior Economics Club provides students with rare opportunities in business

Irene Yi, Staff Writer December 2, 2017

The lights are flashing. The camera is clicking, capturing rapid-fire snapshots of the stage. The action has begun. Junior Katie McClure sits on a bright red chair, poised elegantly and ready for business....

Veganism: the Good, the Bad, the Ugly

Veganism: the Good, the Bad, the Ugly

Irene Yi, Staff Writer December 1, 2017

The world is giving rise to a mysterious trend. It's one with heavily debated pros and cons, one that many people- young and old- are adopting, and one with long-term effects not quite known yet: veganism....

Jackson Baldwin brings his positivity to his job at Arby's

Jackson Baldwin brings his positivity to his job at Arby’s

Irene Yi, Staff Writer November 29, 2017

Every Saturday, a truck pulls up to the newly-remodeled Arby's on 28th Street, delivering a week's supply of meat. Senior Jackson Baldwin is part of the crew responsible for hauling the shipments into...

The sixth chapter

The sixth chapter

Irene Yi, Staff Writer November 27, 2017

My arm still kind of hurts, but I felt like I needed to write some stuff down. I don't even have my journal with me; I'm writing this on a flimsy napkin. It's probably going to rip at the force of my pen....

Survival of the Sickest will teach you things you never thought you needed to know

Survival of the Sickest will teach you things you never thought you needed to know

Irene Yi, Staff Writer November 26, 2017

You've seen Asian glow-- an unfortunate Chinese uncle, only two sips into his dinner toast, yet already bright red in the face. You know people who genuinely can't stand the bitter taste of coffee-- or...

Running in the dark is the best therapy

Running in the dark is the best therapy

Irene Yi, Staff Writer November 17, 2017

About a month ago, I heard someone say that the meaning of life is nothing but endorphins. I wasn't sure if they were joking or not, but I gave the comment some serious thought. Endorphins act as a body's...

Humans of FHC: Aneeqa Hasan

Humans of FHC: Aneeqa Hasan

Irene Yi, Staff Writer November 15, 2017

"My family travels a lot. I've been to over half the states in the US, a bunch of places in Europe, and some places in Asia. It's hard to think of places I haven't been. The first place I grew up in was...

The fifth chapter

The fifth chapter

Irene Yi, Staff Writer November 15, 2017

Wren woke up confused. She wasn't even sure that her eyes actually opened when she tried to look around. Was that a bright light shining in her eye? She blinked a few times until she could discern...

TCT's The Countless Thanks: Day 9 - Irene Yi

TCT’s The Countless Thanks: Day 9 – Irene Yi

Irene Yi, Staff Writer November 13, 2017

Kelly Cool - for taking me in KCool, thank you for letting me be an honorary Cool sister. Thank you for showing me how Americans do Thanksgiving, Easter, and hand-crafted graduation parties. Thank you...

Safe driving in the winter is under appreciated

Safe driving in the winter is under appreciated

Irene Yi, Staff Writer November 10, 2017

Picture this: you're driving home, late at night, down a fast-paced road. Normally, you'd be fine. Today, however, you can't see a thing. The snow has become a dust storm, through which nothing is...

Colleen Kramer talks about the down and dirty of diving

Colleen Kramer talks about the down and dirty of diving

Irene Yi, Staff Writer November 9, 2017

While most fall sports are ending, FHC Girls Swim and Dive is still going at full throttle. "The states meet comes right after regionals, which comes right after conference," senior diver Colleen Kramer...

My tribute to the silver linings

My tribute to the silver linings

Irene Yi, Staff Writer November 6, 2017

November is the month of gratitude and giving thanks to the people in your life, but I believe that we shouldn't forget about the little things: the small, recurring victories that hide in the crevices...

Humans of FHC: Collin Mendels

Humans of FHC: Collin Mendels

Irene Yi, Staff Writer November 1, 2017

"For Thanksgiving, our whole family on my dad's side gets together. We all go over to one of my aunt's or one of my uncle's houses, and we all eat dinner together. Then at Christmas, we all do the same...

The fourth chapter

The fourth chapter

Irene Yi, Staff Writer November 1, 2017

A taste of thrill ran through Wren's throat. The adrenaline was almost unbearable to her chest; her heart was beating beating beating fast fast fast. Hour number three of driving. Earlier that night,...

The constant dodgeball game of college chatter

The constant dodgeball game of college chatter

Irene Yi, Staff Writer October 30, 2017

I see myself there-- seated quietly, working at my desk during second hour physics. My friend and I are finishing a lab report, calculating velocity and marveling in the beauty of derivatives. We are playing...

Humans of FHC: Andy Travis

Humans of FHC: Andy Travis

Irene Yi, Staff Writer October 25, 2017

"For all of the study events [of Science Olympiad], you get to make a note sheet, which is the front and back sides of a piece of paper. In order to get the most information on it, we always make it size...

Kitchen 67 is the perfect rainy day cure

Kitchen 67 is the perfect rainy day cure

Irene Yi, Staff Writer October 20, 2017

A thin beam of sunlight shined through my car window, breaking up the damp, gray layer that had clouded the sky all morning. My dad and I were cruising down East Beltline as the rain finally stopped....

Senior Joe Batdorf makes the most of his high school experience

Senior Joe Batdorf makes the most of his high school experience

Irene Yi, Staff Writer October 18, 2017

Every Monday and Tuesday evening, FHC marching band has rehearsal. Senior Joe Batdorf is a snare drum section leader, but he rarely ever makes it to Tuesday band rehearsals. All is well, however, because...

The third chapter

The third chapter

Irene Yi, Staff Writer October 17, 2017

They say "another day, another dollar," and it certainly rings true for me. It is, indeed, another day at the restaurant. I do, indeed, hope to make another dollar-- if not a little more (tips, please?)....

Bandtasia invites FHC football players and cheerleaders to attend for free in honor of undefeated season

Bandtasia invites FHC football players and cheerleaders to attend for free in honor of undefeated season

Irene Yi, Staff Writer October 17, 2017

Nothing gets the student body thrilled like an undefeated football season, and FHC has just that. Supporting the football players are not only the cheerleaders, student section, and parents, but the marching...

Blink, and you'll miss it

Blink, and you’ll miss it

Irene Yi, Staff Writer October 17, 2017

I remember every meet vividly, each image in my mind as piercing and clear as the pain of the race. I remember how the cold spikes felt in my hand the first time I held them. I remember the stampede of...

FHC jazz band: the hidden gem of our school

FHC jazz band: the hidden gem of our school

Irene Yi, Staff Writer October 13, 2017

When people think of FHC's band, they think of the highly regarded marching program: halftime performances, fifth quarter drumline cadences, and homecoming parades. Many overlook other FHC groups that...

Humans of FHC: Joseph Smith

Humans of FHC: Joseph Smith

Irene Yi, Staff Writer October 8, 2017

"So [my freshman year in high school, for homecoming], I really wanted to ask this girl that I knew that lived down the street from me. But she had a date already, and she's like "Oh, I'll set you up with...

Humans of FHC: Joey Killman

Humans of FHC: Joey Killman

Irene Yi, Staff Writer October 4, 2017

"[Regarding what it feels like to be the Head Oompa Loompa of the senior lip sync:] I'm under a lot of pressure here. If I don't nail it, then I kinda let the whole senior class down. My inspiration? A...

The second chapter

The second chapter

Irene Yi, Staff Writer October 3, 2017

Chapter 2 Time's going by pretty quickly, and I can't tell if I like it or not. On one hand, it's one day closer to leaving. On the other hand, it's one day less that I have to save money for the...

Freshman Amelia Pointer finds her love for biology through field trip to the zoo

Freshman Amelia Pointer finds her love for biology through field trip to the zoo

Irene Yi, Staff Writer September 29, 2017

For many, the zoo is merely a childhood memory. For freshman Amelia Pointer, however, it's the exciting destination of a biology class field trip and a unique chance to witness textbook material in live...

Humans of FHC: Connor Stadler

Humans of FHC: Connor Stadler

Irene Yi, Staff Writer September 27, 2017

"Worlds is a really unique experience; I think it's around thirty thousand individuals who go from around the entire world. I think there are over fifty or sixty countries. There are sponsors there that...

Tomorrow I turn seventeen

Tomorrow I turn seventeen

Irene Yi, Staff Writer September 27, 2017

I stopped dancing this year. I started fighting with my words. I stopped worrying about getting pulled over for driving past 10 PM (I'm still sixteen). I started using my voice. Birthdays are strange....

Ben Finkelstein shares how crew has changed his life

Ben Finkelstein shares how crew has changed his life

Irene Yi, Staff Writer September 22, 2017

High school is about the holistic experience. It takes great dedication and passion to take advantage of FHC's myriad of sports programs, but senior Ben Finkelstein has mastered the art of extracurricular...

I am not an AP farmer

I am not an AP farmer

Irene Yi, Staff Writer September 22, 2017

Two days ago, someone called me an AP farmer. I spent the rest of the day feeling attacked until I realized that I wasn't obligated to prove myself to anyonea�� for the same reasons that I don't fit...

Wolfgang's makes the weary traveler feel at home

Wolfgang’s makes the weary traveler feel at home

Irene Yi, Assistant Managing Editor of Editing September 20, 2017

It's still dark out, and the rain pounds on my windshield as I try to navigate my way through the windy, red-brick roads of Eastown. What usually looks perky during the day now looks ominous in this storm,...

The beginning of it all: the first chapter

The beginning of it all: the first chapter

Irene Yi, Assistant Managing Editor of Editing September 19, 2017

Hello there; I see you've stumbled upon my short story. This is a story about seeing the world inside and outside of home. I'll be posting a new chapter every other Tuesday. Stay tuned. Chapter 1 This...

Seniors have an amazing experience at the senior retreat

Seniors have an amazing experience at the senior retreat

Irene Yi, Assistant Managing Editor of Editing September 13, 2017

Senior Ellie Matelic breathes a sigh of relief as she finally unloads her bags after a long, but enjoyable, weekend at Camp Geneva for her class' senior retreat. She's sore and tired, but she's content. "It...

Humans of FHC: Megan Johnson

Humans of FHC: Megan Johnson

Irene Yi, Assistant Managing Editor of Editing September 8, 2017

"It's a totally different experience [in the student section] this year as a senior. I feel like everyone just goes so much harder at it. Tonight, I'm wearing a pink tutu, pink paint-- head-to-toe pink!...

Stop calling psychology a pseudoscience

Stop calling psychology a pseudoscience

Irene Yi, Assistant Managing Editor of Editing September 6, 2017

Articles don't usually anger me, but this one did. I traced a series of frustrated psychologists' articles back to the original aggressor: microbiologist Alex B. Berezow accusingly declares that psychology...

That Early Bird shines above any imperfections

That Early Bird shines above any imperfections

Irene Yi, Assistant Managing Editor of Editing September 1, 2017

If you deconstructed a face, you'd see that nearly everyone boils down to the same features: two eyes, one nose, one mouth. Stray hair, and a forehead that doesn't fit quite right. It's the price of familiarity....

FHC waves goodbye to Mrs. Miller

FHC waves goodbye to Mrs. Miller

Irene Yi, Assistant Managing Editor of Editing August 30, 2017

Counselor Teresa Miller is flooded with emotions as she looks around her office one last time. The countless pictures of past students are packed neatly into boxes; the desk, once merrily cluttered with...

Popping the Forest Hills Bubble isn't so hard

Popping the Forest Hills Bubble isn’t so hard

Irene Yi, Staff Writer June 5, 2017

They say we are sheltered. They say we aren't exposed to the real world. They say we are blind to the world. They even have a name for it: The Forest Hills Bubble. However, we can tear down the stereotype...

Who are you?

Who are you?

Irene Yi, Staff Writer June 1, 2017

If someone were to ask me about my hobbies and interests, I'd probably list off the same list of generic ones: cross country, dance, track, Model UN, marching band. Hobbies one would expect. Interests...

Campus CONNECTion:  Current high school students to introduce 8th graders to FHC

Campus CONNECTion: Current high school students to introduce 8th graders to FHC

Irene Yi, Staff Writer May 30, 2017

Junior Ashley Jenkins still remembers how intimidating high school seemed on her first day of freshman year. Like any ninth grader, she felt dwarfed and overwhelmed. Luckily, this was not her first time...

Mayan Buzz Cafe brews a perfect blend

Mayan Buzz Cafe brews a perfect blend

Irene Yi, Staff Writer May 30, 2017

I woke up Sunday morning ravenous for a new adventure. With nothing to do until lunchtime, I decided to go on a drive and let my subconscious lead the way. A few months ago, I was absentmindedly flipping...

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