Where are sports legends now: Barry Bonds
Have you ever started to play a sport and decided that you would be the best at it one day? Work hard at it everyday so you could be the best? Barry Bonds did, and he broke a record in the process as well.
Bonds played in the MLB for twenty-two seasons, he started playing for the Pittsburgh Pirates and eventually made his way over to the San Francisco Giants to finish his career.
To end his career, Bonds broke previous all-star, Hank Aaron’s homerun record of 755 by hitting 762 home runs which was just enough to put him in the lead. This was a monumental moment in his life a great way to exit the exciting world of MLB.
Marrying late in his life, Bonds had a wife and two children. That marriage did not last long and he later remarried to have another kid. With bad luck coming his way, Bonds was crushed once again, as his second wife divorced him.
However, he continued to push forward. After his retirement from baseball, Bonds decided to stray away from the game for a little while. His plan did not last long though because only after nine years of retirement, Bonds then decided to step right back into becoming the Miami Marlins hitting coach.
His experience with hitting lead him to be a great coach and a great mentor to all that worked with him, and he created a very successful team.
Bonds built himself a reputation that was well-deserved and well-earned. He battled through all of the tough times and came out on top in the long run.

Zoe is a freshman in her first year on The Central Trend. She is writing for the sports report this year. Zoe is partakes in girls basketball at our school,...