Humans of FHC: Megan Stockenauer
“I went to Cannonsburg with a few friends, and it was my first time snowboarding. I had just gotten back from Spring Hill, so I was really tired but still wanted to go. I was doing pretty well, and I had gone down the bunny hill a few times. I did it successfully, so I decided to go to the triple. I went down six or seven times and was doing well, but it was pretty icy. It had been pretty warm recently, but it was still cold enough where there was still snow but [still some] ice. I went to stop, but my board caught a patch of ice. I went backward and fell, and I ended up breaking my wrist in two different places. I proceeded to go down one more time because I hadn’t realized it was broken until it started swelling up.”

Krystal is a junior entering her second year on staff. As a part of the Forest Hills Central Rowing Team for the past three years, she hopes to continue...