Player Profile: Tripp Derrick
Name: Tripp Derrick
Grade: 12
Sport: Varsity Cross Country
Position: Co-Captain
What is your favorite part of cross country?
“My favorite part of the cross country season is the bonds you make with all of your teammates regardless of their grade. You form a bond with everyone because you are doing something hard with everyone so you know how they feel and they know how you feel.”
Why did you join the cross country team?
“I joined the cross country team because I ran in middle school and wanted to continue in high school.”
What is the hardest part about cross country?
“The hardest part of this sport is having to run every day. Individual practices can be hard, but having to run every day builds up over time.”
What is goal for this season?
“My personal goal for the season is to break 17 minutes. My personal record from last year was 18:01 and I would like to break it.”
Who is your biggest inspiration in cross country?
“My biggest inspiration is my parents because they always push me to do my best.”

Zoe is a freshman in her first year on The Central Trend. She is writing for the sports report this year. Zoe is partakes in girls basketball at our school,...