Outside the Classroom #1 – United we stand
Outside of the TCT classroom is chaos. Between rushed homecoming plans and the scramble to finish growing stacks of homework, FHC is balancing on the fine line between organized mayhem and completely random disarray. While intensity and stress levels have rocketed for most people, this time has brought out the best in some, forcing people to be organized and productive, improving their efficiency. It always boggles my mind with all that people juggle in high school, with school, extracurriculars, music, and outside programs.
The older I’ve gotten, I’ve realized more the importance of supporting your fellow classmates and stepping out of your comfort zone more often. Whether it be paying the extra $5 to watch the Improv Central team whip the crowds into a frenzy with the iconic line of “Spaddy, will you be my daddy?” or going to lipsync practices even if it means sacrificing the time, being part of the FH community is everything.
In its essence, FHC is supportive and caring. One memory that is a reminder of this is from this year’s cross country team, a team where everyone is everyone else’s priority. Immediately after racing a 5K and dying of exhaustion, every single one of the boys from the cross country team is up on their feet when the girls’ team steps up to the starting line, ready to cheer until their voices are gone. Their cheers are what motivates every FHC runner to have the strength to pass competitors and race through the finish line; those cheers are the cross country team’s hidden strength.
Despite homecoming being extremely stressful and chaotic, it’s also one of the best examples that our community is one united body. Class banners, lip syncs, and the dance aside, homecoming really does bring students together in a way that I don’t think any other season of high school does. Regardless of whether or not people know the football players, people are out in the student section stands showing their Ranger pride. Going to football games is something that people easily overlook; however, an outsider looking in at our community would see countless fans amongst the student section, all decked out in the same theme, cheering on the team with everything they’ve got. Then, there’s the marching band. Rain or shine, they occupy the opposite end of the stands, and when they aren’t playing their instruments, they too are enthusiastically rooting for our school, win or lose. Those cheers from the stands are FHC’s hidden strength.
Last weekend was the senior retreat for the Class of 2019, and as a participant of it, I can assuredly say it was a bonding experience. I saw people from all different backgrounds working together as one unit to win the mini Olympics held there. I saw the light in peoples’ eyes when they realized that not only are we all a group of people graduating at the same time, but we are also a group of people who are in it together and more similar than we could’ve ever imagined. That realization changed everything for our class, and as a result, we are better than ever. There is no “popular group” and no “weird kids group.” There is just the Class of 2019, united as one community. That camaraderie from every class is FHC’s hidden strength.
Of course, not everyone would see the FH community through that lens, and it would be hard for an outsider to truly see all that goes on. But in all honesty, there’s a whole lot of amazing going on right under the surface; you just need the eyes to see it unfold.

Susannah is a senior who is going into her third year writing for The Central Trend. Despite this being her last year in high school and on staff, she...