Books and Mortar lives up to the cozy vibes of a bookstore

There is something about bookstores that make them homely yet mystifying. Whether it is the unknown adventures trapped in the bindings of each book or the quiet and warm atmosphere that envelopes each person, I do not know. The one thing I do know, however, is that I love them.

Until recently, I had not been to a bookstore in a while. My schedule has had almost no time to spare. When I finally had some free time, it was almost like a spotlight was shining down onto my calendar. So, I seized the opportunity and went to Books and Mortar on Cherry Street.

With it just recently being under new ownership, I was a little hesitant. I had no idea what to expect. Is it going to be unorganized and chaotic? Will the new owner be inexperienced and overwhelmed? Nope, it was the opposite.

Before I even walked in, the vivid colors and sparkle of the window display called out to me, telling me to be excited. I could feel my eyes grow larger and a smile spread across my face; it felt like I had just seen my first snowfall.

The inside was just as heartwarming as the outside. Instrumental music softly played in the background, and an ornate ceiling created the effect of an old ballroom. Fairy lights hung above the paperwhite shelves with the added color of many book covers. The air was thick with wonder and knowledge.

That was only part of what made my experience so enjoyable though. The owner, Jenny Kinne, was so nice, and the only one working at the time. The moment my feet touched the creaky hardwood floor, I was greeted with a friendly “Hello.” It was easy for a shy person like me to have a short conversation with her.

As I looked around the store, I was surprised by the variety of options. There were classic and new books, as well as funny, scientific, fictional, spiritual, history/political, cooking/home decor, and children’s books. Some of the books were even signed. I adored the added touch of Kinne’s personal notes about a few books.

However, books are not the only thing sold at Books and Mortar. Blank cards with beautiful pictures on the front are a great way to show someone you care; I actually bought one for a friend of mine. There are also journals, calendars, tote bags, handcrafted mittens, candles, and book covers. Ornaments and wrapping paper were also being sold for the holiday season.

I felt nothing but joy from the moment I walked in and out. The petite shop reminded me of how much I love to read. I will most definitely visit it again. Who knows, I might even see if there is a job opening.