Player Profile: Sydney Kushak
Name: Zoe Lipke
Grade: 10
Sport: Ski
Why do you like to ski?
“I mainly ski for the fun of it, and I really enjoy being in the snow.”
What are you most looking forward to this season?
“Well, last year was my first year on the ski team and my first year skiing competitively, so I am really looking forward to improving from last year.”
What’s the hardest part about skiing?
“I would definitely say that the coldness is the hardest part, but making sure you stay safe on the icy hills is also hard.”
What’s your best race?
“I usually perform better in the GS races, which is the Giant Slalom.”
When did you start skiing?
“I first started skiing for fun when I was about two years old.”

Zoe is a freshman in her first year on The Central Trend. She is writing for the sports report this year. Zoe is partakes in girls basketball at our school,...