Hall of Fame Inductee Q&A: Amy Sprik

Amy Sprik has been inducted into the Forest Hills Central Athletic Hall of Fame for her many accomplishments in swimming, including being named All-State and winning conference and State titles. After graduating high school in 1996, Sprik went on to swim for the University of Michigan and was able to complete Bachelor degrees in education and psychology. She is now a teacher in the Forest Hills school district.

How special were those swim seasons?

“High school swim seasons are special because they are short. In just three months, you have to set goals, connect as a team, figure out strengths and weaknesses, determine how to use strengths to win, and then work hard to put it all together.   I was lucky enough the be on four great teams while swimming for FHC. We worked hard, pushed each other, learned to count of each other, and we were able to see success because of that.”

Talk a little bit about your time on the team, including a few favorite memories, etc

“As I said in the previous question, we spent a lot of time together, pushed each other, worked towards goals together, and learned to count on each other.  We had practices at 6:00 am before school a couple of days a week and practice every day after school, meets and tournaments on weekends, etc. We got to know each other really well. I think many of us would say that we made lasting friendships on the team. One of my favorite memories was having secret swim team buddies, which were always a lot of fun. We each had a secret person that we encouraged throughout the season with notes or little good luck gifts.  I still have some of the pictures and notes that I received over the years. I also enjoyed the bus rides where we got to relax and have fun together. Although I loved the swimming, my favorite part about the team was the friendships and memories that I made.”

What was special about your coach?

“I was very fortunate because we had Tim Jasperse, who is one of the best high school swim coaches around. Tim is an expert in the sport. He is great at spotting the different qualities that a person had that would have made them great in a particular race. I have swum for a lot of coaches over the years, and Tim was the best at swimming strategy. He knew the number of points that we needed to win a meet and he was constantly reworking the line up to figure out the best way to reach those points depending on who we were swimming against. However, the best part about Tim is that he is a great person. He cared about his swimmers and really wanted the best for each of them. Like I said, I was very lucky to have been coached by him.”

How does it feel that those seasons will be forever remembered in the Hall of Fame?

“I am very humbled to be remembered in the Hall of Fame. We have had some fantastic athletes come through FHC over the years, so it is certainly special that I would be selected to join. The seasons that I swam were memorable because of State Championships or runners up, but what made them really special were all of the people. I am very glad that those seasons will be remembered.”

Have you stayed in touch with any of your past teammates?

“Yes, many of them. Only a few still live in town, but I keep in touch through social media. I have even had the opportunity to work with former teammates and even coach their kids. I made some great friends through FHC swimming, and I’m sure we will be lifelong friends.”

What advice do you have for those currently on the swim and dive team?

“Have fun, enjoy your time together, work hard, set goals, and believe in yourself.”