Player Profile: Isaiah Huempfner

Name: Isaiah Huempfner

Grade: 11

Sport: Varsity golf

3 fun facts about Isaiah:

  • He plays hockey
  • He loves the outdoors
  • He loves to face challenges

What is your favorite part of the sport?

“My favorite part about golf is how mentally challenging and tough the sport is. Every day is different from the day before, which really makes it unique.”

Who has been a key part of the team?

“Our new, younger guys have brought a camaraderie that very few teams have. I think it’s cool how much young talent we have compared to most.”

What is your favorite memory looking back on the season?

“Getting food with the team and acting as if it was [freshman] Joe Murdock’s birthday, and the whole restaurant bought in with it.”

What was one of the team’s main goals coming into the season?

“One of our main goals was to continue to improve and get better each and every day. I’d say we did that because as we close as we are to the end of the season, we can see that progress has been made.”