My three best friends who will change my life forever

On the first day of Kindergarten, I met my group of best friends.

Although I had known two for my entire life, the third instantly became one of us.

In second grade, we all ended up in Mrs. Feutz’s class. We had millions of little fights, but through it all, we remained the closest friends I have ever had.

In fifth grade, I moved to Chicago. Although we remained in touch, it didn’t feel the same.

In seventh grade, I came back to Michigan, but one friend moved schools just days before.

After everything that brought us apart, we found our way back to each other this year.

From the moment we all met in kindergarten, the bond that we instantly created made me feel like I had just met my family all over again. I could tell them anything, and no matter what, they were always there for me through any hard time.

After years of being apart, I realized that through it all, they were the most real friends I would ever have. We are bonded like nails in wood; tearing us apart would prove to be a challenge.

As I tried to make new friends during our time apart, I knew that none were quite the same. The four bubbly, blonde girls that were constantly together was all I wished to have back in my life.

The first time we all reunited, I expected it to not feel like it always had before. But to my surprise, I suddenly knew I was back with the girls that truly are my best friends.

After missing the countless days spent together, sleepovers on the weekends, and trips to Chicago, we finally get to make more of those memories together.

For the sixteen years I have been alive, I have learned the true importance of friendship. I have made many friends and built many relationships, but I learned how to tell when one will truly last.

There are many people I would consider my best friends, but in a few years, we will most likely all go down our own separate roads of life.

But for those three girls who I know are my best friends, I can’t say the same thing. I am confident in the fact that no matter where our lives may take us, we will remain friends through it all.

The three girls I have known for as long as I can remember have taught me about one of the most important things in life: happiness. They have changed my life forever and will continue to do so every day I live.