Boys World’s second single is telling women of all ages to “not be weighed down by no stone”

After Boys World released their first song, “Girlfriends,” I was ready for their next single: “Wingman.”
The song not only continues to support women’s independence and emphasizes the importance of girl power, but it also continues to encourage women of all ages to not feel the need to have a man by their side.
A lot of artists are releasing music filled with lyrics that put down certain groups or that do nothing to bring emphasis to oppressed groups. Instead of creating music that impacts the world for the better, they instead focus on creating music that others can appreciate the rhythm of. Boys World seems to put their heart and soul into the lyrics to make sure girls of all ages are accepted and know they’re loved.
I appreciate that Boys World is continuing the trend of making age-appropriate music but also incredible bops that anyone can vibe to. This is definitely a song I would listen to with my friends if my mom was in the car.
Along with the two singles having similar morals and ideas, the girls decided to put out a music video for “Wingman” as well. While the music videos are slightly similar, I didn’t find the video to be too repetitive. While comparing both the “Girlfriends” and “Wingman” videos, I noticed that they kept a simple background while letting their clothing and makeup counterbalance the simplicity of the rest of the elements.
The lyrics match the dance moves perfectly and these five girls have proven once more that they are more than just extremely talented. But I do think they could work on branching out in their music video ideas overall; while the videos had slight differences, the dancing style was very similar to their “Girlfriends” video.
Another similarity between their songs was how catchy these songs were. Both of these songs were exceedingly easy to sing along with. I really enjoy songs that can appeal to all different voice ranges and styles; I think the girls did a great job of keeping this song simple enough for every one.
While the catchy melody was stuck in my head, I couldn’t help but be captivated by the background vocals that took the song up a step in creativity. In “Girlfriends,” Boys World also made the backtrack have some killer vocals that would shock even the best artists in the industry today.
Boys World is still in a period where they are growing as a group and adjusting to the modern industry; I wouldn’t be surprised if they were to blow up any time soon. I think if people enjoy the work that the novice girl band is getting out now, they will fall in love with the things to come in the future from them.
It’s always refreshing to find a band or an artist at the start of their career so that I can not only watch them grow but grow with them. Boys World really will speak to girls of all ages and that’s something that the music industry is lacking right now.
I have noticed that bands, in general, are making a comeback and I’m glad that Boys World is helping to shape how music is portrayed in 2021; I’m incredibly excited to see what they do in the future with their music.
I had very few complaints about the song and music video; overall, I am sure that this girl band will shape everything in our future and everyone should be ready for them to take the world by storm.
Boys World is changing music by radiating positive and uplifting energy through the girls that make up their group and their new song: “Wingman.”

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