The comical humor of losing a pet fish


Jadelin Hinkel

Prior to her passing Barbra and Cheeto swimming about in their lovely new home.

The second I stepped into the pet store, I was on a mission. I longed for a nice little fishy friend to become my newest aquatic buddy. The second our eyes met, I knew it was destiny—we were meant to find each other.

Little did I know I was only days away from devastation. The tragic news of a close companion passing is crushing, and hers was no different.

Right when I met Barbara the fish, I knew we were meant to be; there is no denying the connection between a girl and her pet fish. I stepped into the pet store determined to get a fish that I could share my life with.

Instantaneously, I knew Barbara was going to be lonely and needed a comrade with her in the bag. Cheeto and Barbara truly bonded when we were traveling back to my house from the store–me in my comfortable seat and them in their confining plastic bag.

The stress of trying to keep the bag from opening up and overflowing in my car was a feeling like no other; speeding down 28th street holding a bag of fish in one hand and the steering wheel in the other produced what I can only say was one of the most stressful but fun things I’ve experienced

Barbra, Cheeto, and I spent the rest of the day and night chatting, binging Netflix together, and playing video games. The next day was not easy; it was like a mother dropping off her child at college. To not see them on a daily basis rips your heart out. I experienced that exact feeling.

Once I dropped my precious Barbara and Cheeto off in Room 139, I hoped that they were in proper care and would have an incredible fish life making more fishy friends within the tank. Little did I know they were only days away from utter sadness. 

The day Mr. George vaguely informed us that one of our beloved fish passed made me think only one thing: “It couldn’t be Barbara…Right?” 

Barbra, Cheeto, and I spent the rest of the day and night chatting, binging Netflix together, and playing video games.

Then the panic progressively sank in. The next day we were present at school, I was determined to see if Barbara and Cheeto were still alive. The second I saw Cheeto swimming around, I was optimistic that Barbara would still be there too.

After an extremely extensive search, the reality of Barbara’s passing finally sank in. I just wish I could’ve spent more time with her before dropping her off into her new tank.

I just want to know why she died? Was it the rough car ride? Did Mr. George keep up with the daily feedings? Was she just an unhealthy fish.? 

I’m still mourning the loss. But at least I still have Cheeto. 

Or do I?