TikTok user Kyle Royce uses his platform to promote a controversial movement
The super straight flag consists of black and orange side by side.
Stemming from TikTok user Kyle Royce claiming his sexual orientation to be “super straight,” a “movement” has formed with its own share of retaliation.
“Super straight” people define their sexuality as a sexual preference in which one prefers only the opposite sex with the exception of transgender people. The name “super straight” stems from being straight, or heterosexual. In addition, super straight individuals are only attracted to people born of the opposite sex rather than those who have transitioned hence the “super” part of the name. It also makes it seem that being attracted to transgender individuals is “somewhat gay.”
This orientation is most commonly used by straight, cisgender men who believe transgender women are not “real” women, according to LGBTA Wiki.
Based on the definition and the people who commonly identify as it, this movement can be commonly classified as transphobic. Not only does it imply that those who date a transgender person of the opposite sex are gay—and implies that being gay is bad or looked down upon—but it also discriminates against transgender people. The “super straight” definition creates a mockery of the transgender community by suggesting that transitioned individuals are not valid in the identity that they are comfortable with.
Transgender people are, in fact, valid and should be welcomed into their new gender identity.
The original pro-super-straight video created by Royce even furthers that this movement is transphobic. In the video, Royce claims that he has created a new sexuality called “super straight.” He continues by saying he gets called transphobic because he wouldn’t date a trans woman. He relayed a conversation he had with someone who would call him transphobic and most prominently said, “that’s not a real woman to me,” in response to why he wouldn’t date a transgender woman. His statement that transgender women are not “real” women is transphobic just by itself. By classifying “super straight” as a sexuality, it fuels the thought that sexuality can be a disguise for transphobia or other gender-based biases.
The super straight movement has caused even more drama than being transphobic due to its flag.
The original mock pride flag of the “super straight” sexuality is orange and black with an SS in the middle. The SS symbol closely resembles the SS logo of Nazi special police, the Schutzstaffel. The Schutzstaffel symbol is considered by the Anti-Defamation League to be a hate symbol. Although this may not be the most common or most recently made “super straight flag” it is still highly offensive.
Even the idea of “super straight” is thought to have stemmed from a since-deleted thread on /pol/, a discussion board on 4chan, which has long been used as a megaphone for neo-Nazis. The thread included users jumping at the chance to spam “super straight” hashtags and ideas all across Twitter. A Twitter user also noted that the method is to “red pill” those who do not accept the “super straight” sexuality and their ideas, has earned plaudits from Kiwi Farms—a forum used to draw up ideas by internet trolls to plot online attacks and doxing.
The fact that methods of spreading super straight all over social media and forcing people to accept “super straight” as part of the LGBTQ+ community are trending and found on neo-Nazi and internet troll websites furthers how unjust this situation is.
In total, the “super straight” sexuality should not be a thing. People are welcome to have preferences of who they would date; this “sexuality” is based on transphobic ideals, not preferences.
![Photo of Kiera Kemppainen](https://thecentraltrend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/741A8587-e1692896519250-527x600.jpg)
Kiera is a senior continuing her writing journey with The Central Trend for a fourth, and final, year. Being on staff for the past few years has been one...