Teleties has, yet again, wounded my wallet.
The brand decided to drop two new collections in one day, which is amazing and horrific all at once. I was beyond excited, because, quite obviously, I adore Teleties. But, I was horrified because of how much money I wanted to spend on everything.
The two new collections are for the two holidays in March: Easter and St. Patrick’s Day.
The St. Patrick’s Day collection came with hair clips, hair ties, and a new headband. There are two new claw clips in the open and the original style in a new green color called Classic Green Come True and Classic Olive. Green Come True is a super cute deep green that could go with a lot of outfits. Olive is the color of an olive, which is slightly unappealing to me, but I know my mom (who loves olives) would adore it.
The hair ties are super cute in this collection, and I may purchase them later, but I am trying to not spend all of my money in one go. There are three normal hair tie packs: Sunset Gold, Good as Gold, and Glitter and Gold. All three are super cute but very similar; the one pack that caught my eye the most was glitter and gold. The sparkles are so cute; they make a statement without being too much. The mix pack (packs with a variety of sizes and colors of hair ties) for this collection is My Lucky Charm. This pack comes with five hair ties: two large and three small ones. There is a repeat of two patterns and one small gold one. This pack is adorable with four-leaf clover charms hanging off of the hair ties, but it’s not my style. This collection also came with a new color of the satin scrunchies: Evergreen. I still have not tried the scrunchies, but this deep green color nearly made me.
The headbands from Teleties are amazing. I own two of them, so I did not purchase these new ones, but I wanted to. This darling gold headband (Sunset Gold) is so cute, and I, hopefully, will purchase it soon. The Easter collection also came with a new headband in Butterscotch. This is a super rich color that complements the more pastel colors the rest of the collection has.
Easter is associated with pastel green, pink, and especially yellow, and this collection aced the color scheme. This collection comes with three hair tie packs: 24 Carrot Magic, Don’t Worry Be Hoppy, and the mix pack of Don’t Worry Be Hoppy. My favorite pack would be the normal Don’t Worry Be Hoppy because the colors are perfectly pastel, and they can work in all seasons as they don’t have too much Easter embellishment. Unfortunately, the pack only comes in the tiny size which does not work well with my hair. 24 Carrot Magic is also super cute with little carrots as the focus design. The mix pack—the one I ended up getting—is adorable with little painted egg charms and bright confetti designs.
This collection had something I hadn’t seen from Teleties before—a bundle. This bundle (Some Bunny Loves You) came with a mix hair tie pack, a small pink hairbrush, and a clear pouch to hold them. I was excited by the hair brush and was already considering getting the mixed pack, so I bought the bundle and am very excited by these new products. The case is clear, but it is a good size to fit in small bags to hold a variety of items besides the hair ties.
This collection also came with two new claw clips in the original style. I bought the Classic Mother of Pearl instead of the Buttercup clip mostly because the Classic Mother of Pearl has a gorgeous sparkle to it. The Buttercup is also cute, but sparkles will win me over almost every time.
Teleties continues to amaze me with their splendid designs, colors, and names for their amazing products; the two new collections were no exception. I can’t wait for even more products, though my wallet is crying for me to close the Teleties tab.