Superstitions: Alyssa Zadel, Matt Wilson, Jayla Williams

Junior Alyssa Zadel, in her 12th year dancing, is a captain for the FHC dance team.
“Before every performance we all hold hands in a circle and the captains give a motivational talk.”
Senior Matt Wilson is in his seventh year of swimming. He hopes to lead the Forest Hills United boys swim team to a great season this winter.
“I always have to stay warm on deck, so I usually wear fleece pants, socks, shoes, and a jacket. I also usually listen to music and will drink honey before every race.”
Jayla Williams is a junior in her third year on the Crew team as a Seat 7 rower.
“I always eat some type of carbs before a regatta, I always listen to Roses by The Chainsmokers right before we have to get on the water and while we are rowing out to the starting line I like to sing Hall of Fame by The Script to hype us all up.”

Molly is writing for the FHC Sports Report for her second year, and she has taken over the Sports Editor in Chief role. She is excited to be part of another...