Kate’s Korner- How practice and repetition boost self-confidence

Everyone knows that athleticism is not the only thing that is crucial in order to be a successful athlete. Hard work, dedication, and a positive mindset are all key components as well. A huge part of having a positive mindset is self- confidence. In order to succeed and make progress athletically, players have to believe in themselves and trust in their abilities to get the job done.
In order to fully rely on their own skills while competing, whether it’s in a high-pressure situation or not, athletes have to put the time in mentally and physically to prepare their mind and body to know what to do. After hours and hours of repetition and constant reminders from coaches, players build up a database of information that they think about during competition. With this wealth of knowledge, players can be decisive and sure of themselves when making decisions and they can trust in themselves that they can get the job done as they should.
Another reason that practice contributes to self-confidence in sports is the concept of muscle memory. When an athlete repeats and perfects the same motion for a period of time their body remembers it and does it naturally. Muscle memory allows athletes to move faster and more efficiently which creates a higher success rate in any sport and when athletes succeed they build up confidence.
Mastering muscle memory and being an avid thinker while competing creates a more self-assured athlete which helps them individually and also boosts the mindset of the entire team.

Kate is a junior and a first-year sports reporter. She plays volleyball for FHC and she likes to hang out with friends in her free time.