Politics aren’t a choice for some people
Too often I hear someone say they don’t really care about politics, which always seems to confuse me to some degree. How can you say you don’t care about politics when other people’s political views determine your quality of living?
If it’s decided that there’s a tax increase, it affects even those who don’t participate in politics. Tax cuts affect them as well. People say they don’t care about politics but as soon as there’s a change in policy they can’t handle it. They had the opportunity to have a say in what changes are made to laws, government officials, etc., but they chose to not exercise that right. It’s like saying you don’t mind where you get dinner but complaining about whatever choice ended up being made because you don’t like it.
Many of these people go so far as to question why others are so adamant about being involved in politics. They question why people of color, LGBTQ+ people, women, and young adults who are concerned with what goes on in the government. The answer is, a lot of things surrounding politics have to do with said people and the rights they have. Some non-political people say they’re too into politics, but that in reality, they aren’t. They are simply showing that they care about the decisions that directly affect them.
Not everyone has the privilege to sit back and not think about how a law will affect their daily routine in life. It’s normal for people to not worry about those kinds of things as a kid because, at that time in one’s life, they don’t completely understand the repercussions of certain laws being put into place or repealed. Adults and teens in high school, however, have been educated on basic human rights, laws, and other civics topics that allow them to participate in their government.
It’s easy for people not to care about politics when their rights, and everything they need, is secure. In the eye of the law, from a broad perspective, minorities and people that identify as LGBTQ+ are equal to all others, but socially and in closer detail of the law, they aren’t.
Not too long ago, a lawsuit was made against a cake company because they refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple. Just recently, the state of Oklahoma introduced a bill that would allow adoption agencies and foster care centers to deny gay couples who wish to adopt a child. The bill reportedly passed through the House with a 60-26 vote. If this law were to be enacted in Oklahoma, these agencies could refuse kids the joy of finding a loving family and instead keep them in the foster system that is already far larger than should be. This bill implies that some centers and agencies would rather keep a child in the system, of which most kids already do for at around two years on average and wait for a heterosexual couple instead of an eligible same-sex couple.
In short, while some people have their rights and freedoms secured socially and legally, others still struggle to get those same rights or keep the ones they have. In no way can I force everyone to get involved in politics, but I can say that it’s frustrating when those who don’t care question other’s involvement or complain about policy changes.

Elise Hegg is a junior in her first year as a staff writer on The Central Trend. Elise has been at FHC since she started at Pine Ridge when she was five...