Inside the Classroom #2 – TCT meets FHE
Yes, I’m well aware that I go to FHC, not FHE, and that the wrong school is featured in the title. While we may be rivals on the court or the field, above all, Northern, Central, and Eastern are all members of the greater Forest Hills community. As such, it’s vital that all three schools support each other, providing a comprehensive system for the thousands of students who call this district home.
In that supportive spirit, a couple weeks ago, The Central Trend welcomed a group of visitors from Forest Hills Eastern. As the first Forest Hills school to start an online publication, we are no stranger to classroom visitors, whether it be teachers, journalists, or even other students. At different points in time, we’ve had over half a dozen visits, and we love giving people a tour of our unique set-up and telling our story of where we were vs. where we are now.
With around seven dedicated students and an advisor who was extremely passionate about journalism, we were inspired by the amount of enthusiasm that flowed into our room along with the FHE kids. From the moment they walked in, they were inquisitive, heartfelt, and so excited to learn about our publication.
We gave the FHE students a tour of our website and showed them how stories are posted. We explained our calendar system and walked them through the layout of our distinctive classroom. The students were very interested, and we were so pleased to share our ways with students holding interests so similar to ours. Excitement ensued throughout the classroom when we heard they would be launching their very own website, The Hawk Herald.
Back around three years ago, when The Central Trend made the switch from print editions to online stories, staff members experienced all the difficulties in making such a huge change. Therefore, we understand first-hand what a hard transition it is, and we hope we helped in the greatest way we could.
The Hawk Herald recently launched their publication, on September 24, and it can be found at, as well as on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They also have a rather small staff, like our current TCT staff, but with their passion and dedication, we know their website will be taking off very soon.
As members of the same greater community, it’s with great pleasure that we support The Hawk Herald and hope that members of both the Forest Hills Eastern and Central communities will do the same. The Hawk Herald‘s reviews and editorials, especially, are just as relevant to FHC students as The Central Trend‘s are to FHE students. Even just checking in on the website every once in a while or sharing a story you enjoyed can go a very long way.
This experience both humbled us and made us grateful for the loyal following that we have from students, parents, teachers, and the community alike. The Central Trend is incredibly appreciative for our devoted viewers, and we can’t wait to see the same thing develop for The Hawk Herald in the near future as well.

Nisha Rajakrishna is a senior and entering her last year on staff as an Editor-in-Chief. Nisha loves to travel and experience new cultures, and in her...