Taylor Todey is using a gap year to travel the world and explore different career paths
Taylor Todey is taking a gap year to discover what she wants to pursue in the future.
Senior Taylor Todey adores fashion; she believes that it could be a possible career path for her.
But, Taylor also loves traveling, and because of this, she thinks she may want to become a pilot.
With two different career paths in mind, Taylor finds that the only solution to solving her dilemma is taking a gap year.
“ … I’m not really sure what I’m going to do yet during that gap year,” Taylor said. “I know that I want to travel and just figure out what life’s next steps are—possibly working for an airline because I’m interested in aviation—being either a pilot or stewardess or doing something art-wise [like] art school.”
Taylor has enjoyed art ever since she was a child and that has carried on into her early-adult years as well.
“I’ve always loved art,” Taylor said. “I’ve been interested in it ever since I was little; I don’t know what age, but I remember in Sunday school I would always stay late to finish my picture that I was coloring.”
Over the years, Taylor has taken this passion she has for art and combined it with her love for fashion. She adores this genre of art so much that she believes it may be what she wants to pursue in the future with the focus of hopefully working for a designer one day.
What does Taylor draw her inspiration from?
It is based on what she sees around her as well as the types of brands she finds most appealing.
“[For] fashion, I’m inspired by other people and what other people wear—their styles [and] their personalities,” Taylor said. “I think Channel is very iconic.”
Though she has this passion and love for art, there is something else that likewise calls to her: aviation. As of right now, Taylor believes that aviation may even be what she wants to pursue in the future. This is due to her love of traveling and what it has to offer.
“I really love flying,” Taylor said. “It brings me joy; I love airports. I love getting ready to travel and just traveling and being on a plane. [I] think it’s all really exciting, and it would be a fun career.”
How has Taylor found this love for travel?
It is through experience.
Taylor has been to many locations around the world, including the United Kingdom, Jamaica, and Canada. What she finds most interesting about each of these locations is the vast cultures that exist within them.
“I think it is interesting to compare our cultural differences,” Taylor said. “Say in London, everything is healthier. There’s no sugar in the food; [it’s] very bland, and it’s more rich.”
Not only is traveling bringing Taylor closer to the vast cultures that exist within the world, but she also uses it as an outlet to connect with family.
She is planning on extending her list as to where she has traveled for this exact reason. While on her gap year, Taylor is planning to go to Croatia as it holds a very special place in her heart.
“My great, great, great, Grandma and Grandpa are from there, and our family is from Croatia,” Taylor said. “I just want to see what it’s like there.”
While traveling abroad is very important to Taylor, she also enjoys smaller travels that are closer to home.
One place that she whole-heartedly adores is Charlevoix, Michigan.
“I have been going there since I was probably one, so it’s something close to my heart, and it’s a lot of fun there,” Taylor said. “My family has a cottage there, so it’s a fun time with family.”
With the excitement surrounding the new adventure she is about to encounter, Taylor believes that there is also a negative thought process when talking about a gap year. She believes there is a misconception surrounding the wondrous possibilities that taking a gap year has to offer.
“I think some people find taking a gap year leads into two or three [years], and then you just don’t go to college,” Taylor said. “That can be kind of scary because I know myself, and [that scenario] could be possible, but I don’t think it will be the case. I think people don’t know a lot about it especially since here, everyone is expected to go to college”
Yet, the entire reason she is choosing to take a gap year is solely because she doesn’t entirely know what she wants to do with her future.
She loves two things: art and flying. Though she is leaning more towards the world of aviation at the moment, she doesn’t truly know what her future holds for her.
She finds that because she doesn’t know exactly what she wants to do, taking the time to figure it out is precisely what she needs.
“I think if you don’t really know what you’re doing after high school, you shouldn’t just jump straight into college because that can be a lot of wasted money,” Taylor said. “Just take some time to figure out who you are and what you like to do…”

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tode • Nov 14, 2019 at 10:49 am
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