Teachers who recently received a grant: a Q&A


Sofia Hargis-Acevedo

Kristy Butler (left) and Jason Colegrove (right) co-teaching sixth-hour biology together.

Laura Stiles

What gave you the idea to request this grant?

“[I requested the grant for a movie screen for] the fact that we couldn’t do anything inside. It was a way to try and have assemblies, graduations, [and] anything that we couldn’t do inside because of COVID-19. I thought we could do it outside. The idea [for this] was really like a drive-in movie or drive-in church. We still have to get the FM transmitter which is what makes [the sound from the movie] come out of your car.”

What are you planning to do with the movie screen?

“Everything I can. Whether it is an indoor assembly with a big screen or a movie night, or graduation—anything.” 

How did you feel when you got the grant?

“I was kind of surprised. I don’t like to write grants; I’ve done it before, but I got a little snarky. [I’d do] anything to make these kids smile though.”

Do you know when the movie screen is arriving at the high school?

“Well, I’ve got to order it [very soon]. If I use Amazon Prime, [then] it should be here in [about] two days.”


Kristy Butler

What exactly is your grant for?

“Our grant is for small, 3D-printed models of proteins. The kids will be able to take their protein and really look at the structure and try to figure out the function of the protein. [The students] can then further learn about how proteins are structured, what they do, how they have different jobs, and what happens if a protein gets denatured or if something goes wrong in that protein.”

How did you feel when you got the grant?

“I was really excited, actually, because I wasn’t sure if we were going to get the grant [since] it is for [about] three-thousand dollars. It’s a pretty big grant, and I wasn’t sure if the foundation would fund it since we are requesting classroom sets of them.”

What are you planning to do with the grant?

“Hopefully, when we get [the models], we will be able to break them up so that the kids will be able to handle these models, and we are going to break them up into little stations for them.”

Do you know when you are getting the models? 

“I just put the P.O. request in, so it usually takes a month to get it processed, and then we have to order them. So maybe in the next month or two.”


Jason Colegrove

What is your grant for?

“My grant is for the class Science of Sports and Games, and it’s to help support some of the labs and activities that we do in class.”

What gave you the idea to request this grant?

“When I was running some of the labs and some activities in class, I realized that there was a next level that we could take it to. We just needed some technology to support that. When I was viewing some of the ‘Sports Science’ videos on ESPN, I saw that they were using this technology, and I thought it would be cool to have the students be able to use it as well.” 

How did you feel when you got the grant?

“I was excited because we are going to be able to use it this year. [The] students are going to be able to use some of the data to support them in their work and activities.”

What are you going to do with the grant?

“I’m purchasing radar guns, so [students] can measure how fast different balls are [being] thrown. [I’m] also [ getting] an electronic timing system, where we can calculate different accelerations, velocities, and reaction times as well. [Lastly, we’re getting] some foam sporting equipment that we can put sensors onto to and track different motions and forces.”

Do you know when you are getting the equipment?  

“Hopefully, I will get some of the equipment before spring break, but the timing system—which is the largest portion of it—won’t come until after spring break.”