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  • March 94/3: Spring Break
The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

Jon Pearcy, Staff Writer

Jon has returned to The Central Trend after taking Writing for Publication his Sophomore year. Jon is a member of the school’s Model United Nations class, and received a verbal commendation while representing Finland at The University of Michigan last year. In the past two years Jon has been to five different countries: Russia, Finland, Denmark, Norway, and Mexico. He plays trombone in the school band, and is a section leader in the marching band. He also fences epee at the Grand Rapids Fencing Academy.


Jon’s favorite thing about being on staff is hearing and seeing all the cool things that go on around our school, and helping bring those things to other students.


His favorite kinds of stories to write are tech stories and new stories.


Outside of school Jon is a Boy Scout working on his eagle project.


Jon’s favorite book is The Martian because he loves Sci Fi
On a Friday night you are most likely to find Jon marching with the marching band or hanging out with friends.

All content by Jon Pearcy
Another New Series From Syfy: The Magicians

Another New Series From Syfy: The Magicians

Jon Pearcy, Staff Writer January 20, 2016

This month, SyFy has rolled out another of its new series, The Magicians. Based on the book series by Lev Grossman, The Magicians follows Quentin Coldwater, a college student turned magician upon his invitation...

Sophomore Josh Sweeney takes part in the Civil Air Patrol

Sophomore Josh Sweeney takes part in the Civil Air Patrol

Jon Pearcy, Staff Writer January 13, 2016

“I want to go Army, hopefully special operations,” sophomore Josh Sweeney says, excitement and pride filling his voice. “My brother is in special operations, so is my dad. My other brother was just...

The KDL: The Perfect Place For Homework

The KDL: The Perfect Place For Homework

Jon Pearcy, Staff Writer December 15, 2015

For a long time, libraries were a staple of the American community. They were collectives of knowledge, gathering places for meetings, or a quiet place to work. What may surprise many people is that they...

Back to Back: Freedom Versus Responsibility

Jon Pearcy and Riana Watkins-Martin December 15, 2015

Too Much Responsibility and Too Little Freedom By Jon Pearcy Responsibilities. We all have them. Yet I think many high school students will agree that as responsibilities grow throughout high school,...

Journalistic Responsibility

Journalistic Responsibility

Jon Pearcy, Staff Writer December 8, 2015

Journalistic Responsibility. It’s the idea that every journalist, no matter how popular, has a responsibility for the integrity of their story. Journalists are powerful people. They can change people’s...

The Expanse: Syfy's New Hit

The Expanse: Syfy’s New Hit

Jon Pearcy, Staff Writer December 1, 2015

The Expanse is a new science fiction show on the Syfy channel. Branded as a “space opera” (think soap opera, but in space and cooler), The Expanse is one of several new shows pushed out by the Syfy...

To Speak Or Not To Speak

Jon Pearcy, Staff Writer November 24, 2015

I was always afraid of public speaking when I was little. That seems to be common for most people, fear of public speaking is right up there with fear of dying for most Americans. But for me it seemed...

The Major Choice

The Major Choice

Jon Pearcy, Staff Writer November 11, 2015

It’s a simple drop down list, with maybe 50 or 60 choices. I scroll through them, trying to pick two out of the whole list. It’s a task that seems easy enough, a few choices out of a few options; but,...

Swim Team Races Into Second Place At Conference 2015

Swim Team Races Into Second Place At Conference 2015

Jon Pearcy, Staff Writer November 9, 2015

The crowded pool falls into a silence filled with anticipation. The swimmers take their position at the blocks, and, with a wave of her hands, the referee begins the race. A loud beep signaling the start...

Integration Nation

Integration Nation

Jon Pearcy, Staff Writer November 3, 2015

“I thought this was going to be a disaster,” said social studies teacher Steve Labenz. “I really did. I thought kids would be screwing around on their laptops or on their phones.” Labenz leans...



Jon Pearcy, Staff Writer October 27, 2015

Gotham. The crime filled and decrepit home to one of America’s favorite crime fighting superheroes: Batman. But what did the city look like before the age of the Dark Knight? That’s exactly the...

The Tech Ninjas

The Tech Ninjas

Jon Pearcy, Staff Writer October 14, 2015

With the launch of the BYOD initiative has come a storm of technological problems, ranging from broken wifi to broken computers. In the midst of this have been the Tech Ninjas. The elusive group of students...

By The People, For The People

By The People, For The People

Jon Pearcy, Staff Writer October 6, 2015

November 8, 2016. If that date means nothing to you, you’re already doing something wrong. That’s the next presidential election, and it may seem like no big deal until you realize that 32% of our...

Error: Story not found

Error: Story not found

Jon Pearcy, Staff Writer September 30, 2015

We’ve all had that moment. You’re trying to visit a website when suddenly your browser comes up with an error - “IBOSS - Content Restricted”. Momentary frustration follows, before you give up and...

La Laguna Review

La Laguna Review

Jon Pearcy, Staff Writer September 22, 2015

The outside of La Laguna did it no justice. Built in the rundown and now under construction strip mall next to Culver’s, the exterior looked a little sketchy, with a large white sign advertising “La...

Potbelly Sandwich Shop Review

Potbelly Sandwich Shop Review

Jon Pearcy, Staff Writer September 15, 2015

As I opened the door to the Potbelly Sandwich Shop, the grey and cold exterior was quickly juxtaposed to the inviting interior. Warmly lit, Potbelly has a rustic atmosphere; with an open seating arrangement...

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