United Prayer


Club name: FHC United prayer

Instagram: @fhc_unitedprayer

Time commitment: One hour a week

Why someone should join: “United Prayer is the safest place in the school. It gives students the opportunity to listen in on the amazing works of God. Along with that, the leaders give great advice and will listen to you, pray for you, and help you in whatever way you need. This group saved me and gave me a safe space to reflect like no other has.”

Prior knowledge/experience needed: None

How to sign up: “Just show up to Mrs. DeMeester’s room, room 103, on Fridays after school from 3:00-3:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome.”

Fun facts/words of encouragement for someone weary of joining: “We will never turn anyone away. Everyone is welcome. Plus, we have snacks.”

Which teacher sponsors this club: Robin DeMeester