There is a significant difference between hearing and listening

Sitting in school five days a week—the same monotone voices droning on around us every day, gets boring very quickly. Our brains are no longer tuned to our ears, and the lessons our teachers teach us go in one ear and out the other.

There is so much going on in the world around us that sometimes we lose track of the little things that are significant—especially the small elements that play such a vital part in our lives, such as listening. Are we actually listening or just hearing?

Hearing and listening are very different in that listening is deciphering and responding to spoken and/or nonverbal communications. This requires a high level of focus. On the other hand, hearing is often viewed as zoning out or a failure to grasp what is being spoken.

A lack of listening is a frequent problem in schools, particularly in classes that people generally find boring. Technology can often be found in classrooms because most teachers utilize it to interact with both parents and students. Assignments are sometimes completed online; however, there comes a point when the internet becomes an impediment to our learning.

Every school has a saying or a phrase that encourages kids to pay attention and perform well in class. In FHC, these little orange slips may be found on the walls—slips that say “Sit up. Lean forward. Ask and answer questions. Nod your head. Track the speaker.” If we only listened, students may not require these reminders.

Some students may argue that the useful reminders are cute and make them feel encouraged, while others may disagree, finding them annoying and not useful.  

Teenagers now communicate through technology. Most teenagers have the use of it at their fingertips—causing them to unintentionally tune out what’s happening right next to them.

Teachers have a habit of repeating themselves, telling students to put their computers away, close them halfway, or even remove the distracting device. It’s inconvenient, not just for them, but also for the other students who are attempting to understand the material.

Listening should not be regarded as a waste of time but rather something that will benefit you in the long term.

Students may respond with phrases like, “I can still hear you” or “It’s not distracting me,” but hearing is not the same as listening. It’s much more. 

While students may lean forward in their seats and nod their heads in agreement with their teachers, they are not truly absorbing the amount of knowledge being imparted upon them. We must listen to the instructor in order to properly comprehend and grasp what is being taught to us.

If we utilize the skill that’s slowly disappearing right in front of us, we won’t have to be reminded of these factors that play a role in our everyday lives.   

Overall, listening—whether in or out of the classroom—improves social interactions, friendships, and understanding of what others are thinking, and it’s also essential for your health and happiness. 

Listening should not be regarded as a waste of time but rather something that will benefit you in the long term.