too much

More stories from Natalie Mix
sometimes, it’s hard to remember much
childhood a blur of overlapping pastels
untitled and unreliable—mine, but hard to read
but i do remember anxiety
anxiety like grass stains on a white dress
anxiety like a big city that doesn’t know my name
anxiety like sticky fingers that left marks in the shape of
too much, too much, too much
they became the words to define my life
too much, too much, too much
too much happening, in my head and out of it
too many words, too many feelings
too much of me
i was an explosion of color,
“too much” in a too small bottle,
and i couldn’t learn to be less,
i could only try to stretch and twist around myself
to fit a different space
i tried so hard to not be the girl
who spilled tears onto the kitchen floor on late Sunday nights
who talked and laughed and cared too much
who found the world itself to be too much for her—suffocating and stealing
i tried so hard not to take up so much space with the wrong shape
it wasn’t hatred—just that i thought i could be better
i thought i could make sense
of the jumble of contradictions
erratically tapping their fingers against my skull
but i couldn’t sort through it
and i didn’t know who i was
but i started to see that something was wrong—
the explosion of colors was screaming for help—
too much had other names:
anxiety, depression, intense mood swings
and once i started to understand too much,
i started to see myself—
an explosion of color pushing through darkness after darkness
once i started to understand too much,
i was no longer stretching and twisting to fill spaces i was never meant to fill
in my american sign language class,
we learned to center around our strengths
i was good at certain things,
and i wasn’t so good at other things, but that was okay
because i knew what kind of signer i was—
and people loved me for it
and if could embrace the ways in which i understood this language,
i could embrace the ways in which i understood myself
i knew who i was—
and i found people who loved me for it
so i started to love this girl,
the only one who had been with me through everything,
the only one who will always be here,
a lot, but not too much, enough,
just as i should be
and i can make it through anything,
because i have myself, and i love her
so this is who i am
someone who has taken everything that made her too much,
and made something beautiful out of it,
words, signs, stories
this is who i am—
so much to say—
and this is how i say it

Natalie Mix is a senior taking on her fourth and final year as a member of The Central Trend. Room 139/140 and the staff of The Central Trend have been...