To my love, writing
To my love,
Many people discuss how difficult you are in their world; how frustrating you can be, and how tedious and time-consuming your processes are.
They often blame you for their wrists, forever in agony, and strained fingertips. The infinite sleepless school nights and the black lead covering their hands like a freshly emerged miner.
But, I suppose that is an appropriate comparison though, to contrast what it is like working for you. The constant need to dig for words and design, and the arduous labor—more mental than physical—that it takes to complete your transformation from a draft to a script.
Sometimes, your concept of freedom in all things, from word choice and topics, terrifies yet delights me. You are a free individual. A thing meant to be unrestricted, an unbound bird, an ancient trade of knowledge and expressionism.
I think people fail to realize your importance, from the most basic premise. We would be lost without your innovation.
You have survived the dark ages, outlived plague, outsmarted oppression, and sought expansion across the globe.
You are a universal truth, an art expressed from the most lustrous jungles to the driest deserts. You are in everything, from our words to thoughts, and the bridge between reality and the mind.
You’ve made kingdoms fall and empires rise. You’ve freed thousands of souls and enslaved years of history to your binds. You are an unknown, and yet a companion more loyal than man’s best friend and more traitorous than Caesar’s senate.
And a greater irony is you cannot be without us, you cannot exist beyond our existence. Perhaps you might be able, in some distorted form, but you can never be the same.
It is an admirable philosophy to think we can survive without you, but not a logical one. We would never know our past, if not for you.
It is one of the reasons why I adore you, for how could I love a word without story or meaning? You bring me the brightest joy in your creation, and the worlds I create with you.
To think I was once opposed to living without you, to live content to never look at a book in my life. How grateful I am for those around me because they introduced me to you, a meeting of a lifetime.
If I could, I would wish for an entire world where everyone could learn about you and love you.
I’ve met so many fantastic people because of you, both fictional and real. They inspire me every day and bring me purpose in my life, and I believe in a happier future because of you.
You mean the world to me, so thank you for everything, past and present.
Forever yours,

Ava is a senior entering her second year writing for the Central Trend. She strives to be a passionate writer, hopelessly curious about all topics, and...