What are the best ways to get the best Black Friday deals?

Black Friday, a holidays that always seems to creep up on me.
I love November, but to be honest, who doesn’t? It’s one of the last months before the end of the semester, my birth month, and a month for giving thanks. Ironically, it’s also the month when Black Friday occurs, which just so happens to fall on my birthday.
Don’t get me wrong, Black Friday is a holiday that makes everyone go ballistic. It’s the time of year when Christmas lists start piling up, and everyone has one goal in mind: get the gifts for the best prices.
But, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been standing in line for hours on the last day of Thanksgiving break when I’d rather be at home watching the parade with my family only to find out by the time I get to the cashier, all the things I need to buy are either sold out or marketed for its original price.
So here, I’m here to tell you some of the ways that you can avoid some of the mistakes I’ve made in past years so that you can have the best Black Friday experience possible.
First things first, I think I speak for everyone when I say that it’s shopping 101 to never shop on an empty stomach. That goes without saying; an unhealthy mindset will lead to unhealthy habits such as overspending on products you wouldn’t even purchase had your stomach been full.
The next thing would be to recognize what type of shopper you are. Do you prefer to see and touch the things you purchase or are you someone that solely focuses on the price tag?
Personally, I have always been an online shopper, but according to zippia.com, around 50% of shoppers shop online compared to 60% in 2021. Although COVID-19 was one of the large factors that made this percentage dip so much, there are actually a lot of benefits to online shopping.
Obviously, the biggest advantage of it all is that you can do it from almost anywhere. But, if you’re anything like me, you tend to overspend the second you open your laptop and see all of the products recommended for you to purchase based on your browsing history.
By shopping online, you save the stress of not having to wait in line, and instead, you can set a timer for when certain products go on sale. There are also a lot of ways that you can improve your shopping game this year by choosing to browse online.
For most holidays, stores are typically closed, so it’s best to visit the stores of your choosing before the holidays online to get the best deals possible. And, if you really want to ensure that you can grab that last gizmo or gadget that you’ve been having your eye on, be sure to bookmark your tabs ahead of time, check for reviews on amazon, and compare the prices of products on websites such as google shopping to check which retailers sell it for the most affordable price.
Although online shopping is the most convenient way to shop, it’s not always the most reliable. One of the biggest hurdles when it comes to acquiring items is that you never really know what exactly it is you’re buying until it shows up on your doorstep three days later. You’re simply going off of the photo of the product you saw online.
This is why sometimes, shopping in person can be most beneficial for you. You not only get the chance to feel things in person but also get the chance to try them on at the cost of having to wait in line to purchase them.
Regardless of how or when you choose to shop for Black Friday this year, just keep one thing in mind—first come, first served.

Arpita is a senior entering her third and final year as a staff writer on The Central Trend. She has been a part of the Science Olympiad team since the...