“Back in my day” is no longer relevant


Life in general changed a lot; many things are no longer relevant today that were fifty years ago.

Everything is changing. All the time, every aspect of everything, constantly. 

Perhaps this might be a bit of an exaggeration, but you have to agree that most situations have changed within the last fifty years—certainly in the century.

The way my grandparents and their generation grew up is significantly different from the way I continue to grow up. The same goes for my parent’s generation as well, but to a lesser extent. 

It is simple to agree with the fact that things have changed; yet, it has been proven time and time again that it’s different for everyone to accept and recognize. 

Now, I respect those older than me; some, such as my grandparents, I love. And I adore listening to how they grew up and stories from when they were my age. But, you can’t deny that whatever story they are telling me is significant and interesting because of how different it was. I hate to say it, but if my grandma was telling me a story about how one of her acrylic nails broke at her school dance, I would not be engrossed.

Instead, my grandparents tell me of a time without the internet or cell phones—both of which now completely consume everyday life. This is what captivates me; the now unthinkable lack of modern technology and ideas.

Storytelling, showing the young generation’s history through anecdotes, is a prime example of recognizing the truth that most circumstances have changed.

However, there are countless instances where it’s apparently inconceivable that times have really changed. Because, isn’t everything the exact same—discluding some minuscule details such as natural disasters, politics, gender roles, education, racial prejudices, LGBTQ rights, literal wars, and much more—as it always has been before?

“Back in my day” is no longer a relevant argument because it is no longer comparable to today’s world.

The short answer is no; almost nothing is comparable. Of course, there are some similarities, but it’s mostly differences. Again, today’s technology and ideas are not akin to what they were fifty years ago. 

Times have changed. “Back in my day” is no longer a relevant argument because it is no longer comparable to today’s world. 

One particular piece of evidence for this conclusion that convinces me of this truth is the importance of education. 

It wasn’t implausible for someone to not finish high school and still be successful. It certainly wasn’t implausible for someone to not attend college and still be successful. Working in a factory of some kind, entering a family business, starting your own business, or finding any other job were all reasonable options. Some remarkably successful people got their start that way.

Theoretically, this is still an option for people. However, I can think of almost no one who would recommend it. If I were to do this, it would be near impossible to find a job that would allow me to live comfortably unless I had extensive connections. Jobs look for education when hiring; chances are, they would rather hire someone with superior schooling. It is no longer an option because things have changed.

Of course, there are countless other ways to prove this as well. Almost anything to do with politics and the shift in ideals, for example. But in the end, it should be clear that “back in my day” is no longer comparable to now.