When should I shower?



Showers are an act of self care, no matter when you take them

I used to hate taking showers.

I hated the amount of time they took, and I wished there was a magic way to make myself clean instantly without the hassle of washing my hair, conditioning, soaping, drying, and everything else.

Now, though, I appreciate the calming, relaxing effects of a good shower. I have learned to see them as a time of self-care.

However, many showers feel different to me. Depending on the amount of time I take, the products I use, or the shower I am in, I can feel more relaxed—cleaner. The most important factor in my showers, though, is the time of day in which they take place.

A morning shower, for example, always feels very different than a night shower. Not only is the lighting different, but I also feel different.

A morning shower, even if I have just woken up and am still sleepy, is about energy. It gives me physical energy, often allowing me to be more productive throughout the day. It also gives me mental energy, feeding good vibes into an otherwise dreary morning.

Night showers, however, often have the opposite effect. After a long day, especially if there was some sort of physical activity involved, a shower is a time to relax and unwind before bed. The heat can help soothe worn-out muscles, and it’s a good way to start the perfect sleep.

This is not just personal preference, though. According to an article in The New York Times, there are benefits and drawbacks to both morning and evening showers.

Morning showers are proven to increase productivity and can help night owls wake up more easily. Dr. Janet Kennedy, a sleep expert, says that cooler showers in the morning can boost alertness while allowing the body to heat up at a more natural pace.

Depending on the day, the schedule, and the cleanliness, shower times can differ. Although people have personal preferences, the best of both worlds is always a good option.

Night showers also aid sleep schedules by loosening muscle tension. They help people who suffer from insomnia find sleep faster.

However, most dermatologists agree that long, hot showers, especially at night, can strip moisture from your skin, leaving it dry and often damaged. Cooler, shorter showers are not only better for your skin but also for the environment.

Depending on the day, the schedule, and the cleanliness, shower times can differ. Although people have personal preferences, the best of both worlds is always a good option.

I shower at night more often than in the morning, but I recognize the benefits of both times.

For night owls: start the day with an energy boost and find getting out of bed easier and less painful.

For early birds: relax before crawling into warm sheets, ready to greet the morning with your usual smile.

Showers improve physical and mental health no matter when they are taken. They are the perfect way to cleanse your body and even your mind, using the time dedicated to yourself to work through your life.

I often use showers to go through my mental checklist, preparing for the day or week ahead.

Showering, like all self-care, is for you and you only. So, decide for yourself what works best for you, and optimize it to make your life as clean, healthy, and happy as possible.