Like Father fell flat in every way

Netflix’s newest “comedy” Like Father should have been left on the creative board, much like the main character was left at the altar.
Like Father is one of Netflix’s more disappointing releases. Even though it had copious potential starring Kristen Bell as workaholic, soon-to-be bride Rachel Hamilton and Kelsey Grammer as Rachel’s estranged father, Harry. Not even the short-lived appearance of Seth Rogen, who plays Rachel’s almost-husband, Jeff could make it better.
The movie had one thing going for it–its unique plot. Rachel is a bride about to be married, but due to of her inability to put down her phone, she is left by her fiancé. If we’re being frank, I don’t blame him. After the wedding is called off, she sees her father, who left her at age five, in the audience of her wedding. Rachel later gets paid a visit by her father, and he convinces her to go out for a drink. Both characters drink more than they should and find themselves on the honeymoon cruise originally intended for the supposed-to-be married couple.
The plotline of being trapped on a boat, right after being dumped, with a person you don’t know has a lot of potential. Throw in some comic relief in the form of supporting characters, and you’ve got yourself a decent comedy. Seems easy enough, right? Perhaps, but this movie missed the point entirely.
Not only was the movie not comedic in the least, but it also failed to be entertaining. I found myself falling asleep as the movie seemed to drag on forever. It might have been better if the characters were actually likable, but Rachel proves to be more of an antihero rather than a lovable protagonist. Her addiction to her job and her inability to hold a conversation with anyone, including her father, is just annoying.
Although character development can be seen by the end of the movie, it wasn’t the satisfactory kind that I typically enjoy after finishing a feel-good movie. I didn’t feel the sense of relief that everything worked out fine because I still felt that Rachel had so much more potential growth; it wasn’t an exactly pleasant ending in the least.
The script was decent, but the constant arguing and Rachel’s refusal to talk to her father gets old quickly. I’m not sure if the director, Lauren Miller, simply missed the mark of what attempting to heal a relationship between father and daughter may look like; regardless, the comedic aspect was lost entirely in focusing solely on the estranged part.
For a movie that is taking place on a cruise, it also failed to capture the beautiful scenery that is typically associated with such a thing. The camera work was average, with no particular stunning shots or fantastic camera flares, which left me slightly disappointed. So much could have been done with shots of landscape, but like the rest of the movie, it’s just another subpar aspect.
In the end, Like Father hardly seemed to be a worthwhile watch. I even found myself thinking that I could have done much more productive things in the one hour and 43 minutes it took for this movie to finally end. It could have been an ingenious tale, but instead, it simply fell like a textbook to the ground: hard and quick.

Sarah is a senior and entering her second year as a writer for The Central Trend. During her free time, she likes taking drives and finding hidden gems...