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The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

Amelia DiBenedetto

Amelia DiBenedetto, Junior Writer

Amelia DiBenedetto is a sophomore, junior staff writer for The Central Trend. Amelia’s love for writing motivates her to script stories for anyone to read, with her number one fan being her grandpa. She’s passionate about photography, winning first place awards in the Kent County Youth Fair, and a Kent County Library photo competition. In her free time, she loves to hang with friends, re-read her favorite books, and craft together potential school outfits. 


Favorite movie: Coraline 

Favorite restaurant: Bob Evan’s 

Pets: three dogs, 14 guinea pigs 

Dream job: Real Estate

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio 

Favorite drink: Wendy’s natural made lemonade 

Favorite clothing store: Goodwill 

Biggest fear: Not knowing if a restaurant sells Pepsi or Coke products

All content by Amelia DiBenedetto
The Addams Family 2 is a movie that led us down many different roads

The Addams Family 2 is a movie that led us down many different roads

Amelia DiBenedetto, Junior Writer December 16, 2021

The iconic Addams family song rings throughout my bedroom as the opening scene is displayed across my screen. My mind instantly places me back to my kindergarten class, singing the "days of the week" song...

Dear younger me, I broke your promise

Dear younger me, I broke your promise

Amelia DiBenedetto, Junior Writer December 9, 2021

Her pinky locks with her sister's as the clock strikes twelve on October 25th, 2016. The minute she turned ten, she promised her sister about the girl she’d become in the future.  “I won’t be...

Independent studies are a privilege FHC students should consider

Independent studies are a privilege FHC students should consider

Amelia DiBenedetto, Junior Writer December 7, 2021

Independent studies are all about individuality and self-dependence—they allow you to prepare for college. With certain due dates, self-reliant work, and honing in on time management skills, they also...

Ghostbusters: Afterlife, a film of new and old memories

Ghostbusters: Afterlife, a film of new and old memories

Amelia DiBenedetto, Junior Writer December 2, 2021

A dark, eerie opening rings through the movie theatre as Ghostbusters: Afterlife begins. The noise rises and falls, and the silence is deafening as I sit, ears plugged, waiting for the jump scare to occur.  I...

TCT's The Countless Thanks 2021: Amelia DiBenedetto

TCT’s The Countless Thanks 2021: Amelia DiBenedetto

Amelia DiBenedetto, Junior Writer November 25, 2021

Dad - for being my rock  As a toddler, my favorite parent was my mom, no doubt. I clung to her side like glue. But as I grew up, I molded into a “Mini Joe." Our humor is identical, and our comments...

A letter to Joe and his 2.0

A letter to Joe and his 2.0

Amelia DiBenedetto, Junior Writer November 18, 2021

She’s attached to her mom as if a rope binds them together. A weight felt as if it was holding her underwater; she’s unable to resurface, suffocating by the fear of abandonment, her only light being...

Kenzie Hushak cheering on the FHC rangers at the pink out!

Kenzie Hushak’s assumption of FHC student section leader strayed from reality

Amelia DiBenedetto, Junior Writer November 17, 2021

Shopping online for an inflatable cow costume, senior Kenzie Hushak realized her job as student section leader wasn’t as easy as she thought.  She’d hoped for this part since she was an underclassman,...

Red Robin’s Signature Blend Seasoning topped off my dish perfectly

Red Robin’s Signature Blend Seasoning topped off my dish perfectly

Amelia DiBenedetto, Junior Writer November 11, 2021

The only seasoning I put on my fries is salt. I especially love the cubed sea salt you have to twist out. But when I saw my mom sprinkling a tan seasoning onto her potatoes at Red Robin, it piqued my interest. Like...

Compliments reflect the perspective of everyday life

Compliments reflect the perspective of everyday life

Amelia DiBenedetto, Junior Writer November 4, 2021

A gray cloud hovers over my head as I walk down the tiled hallway. My shoulders slump and my mood is below fuming. Yet, a distant voice echoes through the corridor.  “Amelia, I love your outfit!...

Two Tony's topped presumptions with astounding emotions

Two Tony’s topped presumptions with astounding emotions

Amelia DiBenedetto, Junior Writer October 26, 2021

The dimly lit tavern called Two Tony’s, located in Spring Lake, brought an aroma of tomato sauce and fish to my nose—two smells I despise. From there on, I expected a miserable dinner.  The small...

Hopes were only crushed by her motivation

Hopes were only crushed by her motivation

Amelia DiBenedetto, Junior Writer September 30, 2021

She twirls over the bars; pain grasps her wrists while blisters cover her palms. With a little nudge forward, she sticks the landing and walks off the mat. Her life gravitated towards gymnastics as...

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