Blank notebooks and empty documents: how I write creatively

More stories from Mikayla Bush
April 30, 2024
Ever since I was young, I have loved movies. I had a special love for the movie trilogy How To Train Your Dragon. Movies like this offered big worlds for me to explore and immerse myself in. Growing up, I also found many many book series that inspired my love for storytelling.
Storytelling is my dream: to write books that inspire other people to do grand things and to teach others about lessons and themes that thrive in everyday life. Now, writing may seem easy to most people, but there are a lot of processes to making a tale about an epic hero come to life.
I have no published book, nor fully finished ones. Most sit on scraps of paper or half-filled Google Documents that sit on my private email, filling up storage so I can’t receive emails. It has always proven difficult to keep a story moving, or even get one started.
My imagination is full, and my ideas have never ceased to appear. Actually, I claim it as a skill to make up things on the fly and expand on them in the process of zoning out while eating dinner with my parents in a Texas Roadhouse. If I had a notebook full of every single story idea I have ever had in the past four years, it would be about 1,000 pages long and impossible to carry.
As a result of this, most tales never make it any farther than being memories stored away in the long-term section of my brain. In order for one to somehow manage my complete concentration and attention, it must occupy my mind for at least three days. After that, I will almost always start working on it on whatever is closest to me.
Despite my best efforts, however, I will, nine times out of ten, forget it and never pick it up again. This is unfortunate, because many times, I have had faith one will grow into this grand scheme of six books with spinoffs and a next series in the works.
I have come to find, after recent discoveries about my own capabilities, that I have too much fun creating worlds and what-if scenarios. It’s crazy how much one can make without trying to do something spectacular out of it.
That is why I took to my recent project differently this time. On Wednesday, November 30, during a fourth hour spent in the media center, I was struck with unimaginable motivation and spirit. Having just started watching the Lord of the Rings movie, Fellowship of the Ring, the urge to do something magical and grand was far too great not to do anything with.
To combat my instinct to drop ideas at a moment’s notice, I decided just to start. I typed into the fifth and sixth hours just by allowing the story to do the writing. Thoughts would be constructed into sentences creating an amalgamation of paragraphs. I was doing so much that Grammarly had even been reduced into a spinning loading state of red, unable to even correct a single thing.
The awe-inspiring thing about this specific story is that it has now survived the weekend and allowed me to build off it on multiple occasions. Leaving the next part open to anything has grown the story into a legend about an odd librarian with a fanatical backstory and a dumb scholar sucked into a plot of dragons and un-destroyable books. Here is the best part: I have absolutely no clue what direction it will take.
But, I can guarantee you this: whatever the story decides it wants to be, I will make it the most magnificent and extraordinary adventure that it deserves to be.

Mikayla is a senior striving for a career in writing and artistry. She takes inspiration from books, media, nature, and even music. Camping, hiking, and...