Athletes take advantage of the winter season by sharpening their skillset
Snowboarders and skiers riding down a hill at Cannonsburg Ski Area.
Ambitiously, freshman Ammon “Mickey” Mehney has found a way to block out the monstrosities in the world around him and focus purely on making progress in skiing.
“I want to be the best,” Mickey started. “I [believe that I] can progress a lot during the season, especially with help from the coaches and other players on the [FHC Ski Team].”
Since the feeble age of 20 months, Mickey has picked up the skills for the strenuous sport. This year marks Mickey’s second year ski racing and his first on the FHC JV Ski Team. Although Mickey has only been ski racing for a few years, he loves it.
“Going super fast down the hill and hanging with the team [is something I enjoy],” Mickey said. “[Skiing] makes me forget about everything else. [It]s] the only thing important to me right then [and there].”
Mickey has always been a very competitive person in general. He has created an overall goal of sharpening his skills in hopes of making it on the Varsity Ski Team, opposed to the JV Ski Team, during his sophomore year of high school.
”I have put in a lot of work, so I believe I could make [the team next year],” said Mickey, who has been working hard towards his overall goal for a while now.
Unlike Mickey, freshman Cohen Murray took over snowboarding as his winter sport. He originally started off skiing, but the sport was harder for him to pick up and it was less enjoyable than snowboarding. Cohen has been snowboarding for three years and only does it as a hobby and not for competitive purposes.
“It would be cool [if I] get to a point where [I] can go somewhere [with a] larger mountain,” Cohen said. “Or even to the point where [I can do] helicopter lifts.”
Although it is a hobby, Cohen, this season, wants to continue to improve by becoming a better rider on the trails and at the parks. He also wants to sharpen his skills, similarly to Mickey, but also wants to get to a level where he can snowboard on the rails at a park, perform cooler snowboard tricks, and do larger jumps.
“I feel that [setting goals for myself] will make the experience of riding a lot more fun,” Cohen explained.
Not only does Cohen think snowboarding looks cool, but he also finds the rush of adrenaline when snowboarding down the hill exhilarating.
“When [I am] doing a jump,” Cohen said, “it is definitely [scary], [but] the adrenaline makes it more fun.”
Mickey and Cohen both have an intense drive for their winter sports and have set ambitious goals for the future. Unlike them, freshman Reed Dixon does not share the same love for either winter sport.
“I don’t really like it,” Reed said. “Going down the steep hill intimidates me.”
When Reed was around the age of eight, he broke his leg while skiing. Reed’s injury has since poisoned his perspective. Now, he does not have a liking for the winter sports and does not have the ambition to try them again. Reed says the closest thing he will ever get to the sports is tubing down a hill at Cannonsburg Ski Area.
“I am just really nervous [about] what will happen to me [if I] fall to the ground [hard],” Reed said.
For Reed, it is the intimidating hills, the fast pace, and his past injury that keeps him away from both winter sports. For Mickey, though, it is the opposite. His love for skiing and the intensity of the sport keeps him hooked and wanting more.
“Every time I’m going down the hill,” Mickey said, “it’s just me against the track. I love [the] feeling of not having to worry about anything else.”

For a third round, Sydney returns to write for The Central Trend as a junior. During the summer, she attended the Washington Journalism and Media Conference...