Men’s Swim & Dive Team


Team name: Men’s Swim & Dive Team

Coach: Dennis Neat

Season: Winter

Time commitment: “Quite a large time commitment, 19 hours a week, typically 4 morning practices a week, 2 lifting, 2 swimming. Practice every day after school for about two hours to 2 1/2 hours. The season is from Thanksgiving to late February.”

Why someone should join: “On top of great exercise, people should join the team because of the team camaraderie. The hours and hours a week you spend in the pool with your teammates form a really tight-knit group that I feel isn’t matched anywhere else in FHC. I’d really encourage everyone to join.”

Prior knowledge/experience needed: “No prior experience is required, but it is important to note that every day, we do swim for the entire swim practice. ”

Fun facts/words of encouragement for someone weary: “Through Enjoy Learning or the athletic department.”