Player Profile: Olivia Luplow


Name: Olivia Luplow

Grade: 11

Sport: Girls swim and dive

How long have you been swimming?

“I have been swimming for 6 years now.”

What stroke do you swim?

” I swim the Freestyle.”

Why do you swim?

“I swim because of the bond I have with the team and all of the food that we eat together.”

Who has been the biggest inspiration or motivation in your swimming career?

“Jessica Schellenboom has been my biggest inspiration because she is constantly encouraging me and she swims very fast.”

What is your personal goal for this season? How are you going achieve it?

“My personal goal is to make it to States again this year. I need to achieve this by working really hard at practice.”

What is your team goal this year?

“Our team goal is to place well at the Conference and State meet this year.”

What is a quote that inspires you?

“‘Nevertheless, she persisted.'”

What is the best part of swimming?

“Definitely the food.”

Talk a little about your time being apart of FHC swim team, this year and previous years.

“The team is a very close group of girls, we swim together for about four hours a day at practice and we also do things together outside of practice, which makes us all such close friends.”